Innovation and Technology Funding instruments

The Support Programme for Industrial Innovation (SPII)

SPII funds projects from Technology development, technology and market validation, process/ product development and market ready.

Objective This incentive was designed to provide financial assistance for the development of commercially viable, innovative products and/or processes and facilitate commercialization of such technologies.
Beneficiaries South African private-sector enterprises. Specific provisions apply under the different schemes.
Benefits Product Process Development Scheme – Provides financial assistance to small, very small and micro-enterprises and individuals in the form of a non-repayable grant. A percentage of ‘qualifying’ costs incurred in the pre-competitive development activities associated with a specific Maximum of R2m grant.

Matching Scheme – A percentage of ‘qualifying’ costs incurred in the development activities of a specified development project. Maximum of R5m grant.
The Partnership Scheme – The levy-based grant is based on a percentage of sales over a fixed number of years. The levy percentage and repayment period are established at the time of the grant. R 10 million (minimum contribution).

Implementing Agency Department of Trade and Industry



Sathiya Arumugasamy / Moshiane Maseko
Tel: +27 (12) 394 5953 / 1811


Mahlatsi Ndhlovu
Tel:+27 (12) 394 1255


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