Parliamentary Presentations
Parliamentary Presentations, 2024 – 7th Administration
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 27 Nov 2024:
- Briefing by NT on the Public Procurement Act and its role in contributing to industrialisation, inclusive growth and transformation, as well as the roles of the dtic, the DPME, the Accountant-General, and the AG in ensuring compliance.
- Briefing on the role of the Public Procurement Act in contributing to industrialisation, inclusive growth and transformation, as well as the role of the dtic in ensuring compliance the Role of the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B BBEE) and Localisation in the Public Procurement Act
- NT Presentation On Public Procurement Act, 2024
- DPME Briefing: Monitoring of public procurement to advance industrialisation , localisation , job creation and transformation
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition and the Standing Committee on Finance, dated 22 Nov 2024:
- Meeting to engage National Treasury, Competition Commission, and NCR on the regulation of the banking sector in relation to credit provision and competition matters.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 26 Nov 2024:
- Briefing by the dtic on its revised 2024/2025 APP.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition dated 21 Nov 2024:
- Briefing by the SIU, HAWKS & NPA on the Development i.t.o the Investigations and or Prosecutions i.r.t the alleged Corruption and Maladministration at the NLC.
Presentation to the Select Committee on Economic Development and Trade dated 20 Nov 2024:
- Briefing by the dtic on the status of the SEZs & IPs in the Country.
- Briefing by the DSTI on the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Research, Development and Innovation Strategy and the Hydrogen Society Roadmap
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 19 Nov 2024:
- Briefing by the dtic on the GHC Strategy as well as other green fuels; and
- Briefing by the dtic on the EV White Paper.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 13 Nov 2024:
- Briefing by the dtic, NEF & IDC on the impact, challenges and lessons learnt i.r.t its Incentive Programmes.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 29 Oct 2024:
- – Briefing by the dtic on the Implementation of Master Plans.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 22 Oct 2024:
- Briefing by the dtic on its review and development of legislation as well as implementation of legislation, particularly the Companies Amendment Acts; IP Laws Amendment Act; and National Credit Amendment Act
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 15 Oct 2024:
- Briefing by the dtic on Status of Trade Relations and on-going Trade Negotiations; and
- Briefing by the dtic on the developments at SEZs and IPs.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 08 Oct 2024:
- Briefing by AG on its findings in the 2023/2024 audit reports of the dtic and entities;
- Briefing by the dtic on its AR 2023/2024 and 1st Q 2024/2025
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 18 Sept 2024:
- Briefing by the NGB and NLC on their annual performance plans and budgets.
- Introductory Statement by the Chairperson of the National Lotteries Commission
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 17 Sept 2024:
- Briefing by the B-BBEE Commission on its annual performance plan.
- Briefing by AG on its mandate; audit comes over the past 5 years; and key outstanding governance issues from 6th Administration.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 11 Sept 2024:
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Tourism, dated 10 Sept 2024:
- Briefing by NEF on the implementation of the Memorandum signed with the Department of Tourism in terms of the Transformation Fund.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, dated 10 Sept 2024:
- Briefing by IDC on its role in the implementation of the Blended Finance Initiative/Scheme.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 10 Sept 2024:
- Briefing by the dtic on its fourth quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2023/24 financial year
- Investment Announcements narrative
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 04 Sept 2024:
- Briefing by the CIPC, Companies Tribunal and the Take-over Regulation Panel on their annual performance plans and budgets.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 03 Sept 2024:
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, dated 03 Sept 2024:
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Health, dated 28 Aug 2024:
- Briefing by the Competition Commission South Africa on the Health Market Inquiry Report.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 28 Aug 2024:
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 27 Aug 2024:
- Briefing by the Competition Commission and Competition Tribunal on their annual performance plans and budgets.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 21 Aug 2024:
- NMISA- Briefing by the Technical Infrastructure Institutions on their annual performance plans and budgets
- National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS’) Annual Performance Plan 2024/25 Financial Year
- SABS 2024/25 Annual Performance Plan
- Overview Of Sanas & 2024/25 Annual Performance Plan
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 23 & 24 July 2024:
24 July 2024 – Induction Programme
23 July 2024 – Induction Programme
- Export Promotion
- Investment Promotion & Protection
- Trade Policy and negotiations
- Revised Export Promotion – ECIC
- Sectors Branch
- Revised Sectors
Presentation to the Select Committee on Economic Development and Trade, dated 17 July 2024:
- Briefing by the dtic on its Budget Vote and APP.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 12 July 2024:
- Briefing by the dtic on its Budget Vote and APP.
Parliamentary Presentations, 2024
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 12 March 2024:
- Briefing by the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) and South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) on their third quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2023/24 financial year.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 06 March 2024:
- Briefing by the NCR on its first, second and third quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2023/24 financial year.
Matrix document to the Select Committee on Trade & Industry, Economic Development, Small Business, Tourism, Employment & Labour; dated 05 March 2024:
- Continuation of the dtic response on stakeholder issues raised during the Public Hearings on the Companies Amendment Bills, etc.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 05 March 2024:
- Briefing by the Competition Commission on its first, second and third quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2023/24 financial year, as well as an update on the investigation of rand manipulation.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 28 February 2024:
- Briefing by the SANAS on its first, second and third quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2023/24 financial year.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 27 February 2024:
- Briefing by the NMISA on its first, second and third quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2023/24 financial year.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 23 February 2024:
- -Briefing by the dtic on the Green Hydrogen Commercialisation Strategy & Briefing on the Electric Vehicle White Paper
- Briefing by the dtic on its second and third quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2023/24 financial year
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 21 February 2024:
- Briefing by the NGB on its first, second and third quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2023/24 financial year.
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade & Industry, Economic Development, Small Business, Tourism, Employment & Labour; dated 20 February 2024:
- Ratification of the WTO Fisheries Subsidies Agreement
Documents presented to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 14 February 2024:
- Update from the SIU and NPA on allegations of maladministration and corruption at the NLC
- SIU Referrals to NPA of National Lotteries Commission Cases
- Progress Update on the Status of SIU’s Investigations Relating to National Lotteries Commission
- Formal consideration of the E and F Bills of the Copyright and the Performance Protection Amendment Bills
Documents presented to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 06 February 2024:
- Briefing on the WTO’s Agreement on Fisheries Subsidies (Ratification)
- Briefing on the E and F Bills of the Copyright and of the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills
- CLSO briefing on NCOP amendments
Parliamentary Presentations, 2020
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour 5 December 2023
Select Committee of the NCOP 28 November 2023
- Outcomes of the African Growth and Opportunity Act Forum
Presentation to the Standing Committee of Finance 24 November 2023
- Report on the Outcomes of the Manipulation of the Rand Hearings
Presentation to the Joint Meeting of the Select Committee and Portfolio Committee
- SA access to the United States market and the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA)
Presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition 21st November 2023
- Briefing by the SABS on its Annual Report FY2022/23 & Performance Results for Quarter 2 FY2023/24
Select Committee – Progress Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the ‘Zondo Commission – 21 November 2023
- Briefing to the Select Committee by the dtic on Progress Report on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the ‘Zondo Commission
Presentation to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee 15 November 2023
- Annual Report 2022/23 & Quarter 2 2023/24 Financial and Non Financial Performance Reports
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 10 October 2023:
- Office of the Auditor-General on the 2022/23 audit outcomes of the dtic and its entities;
- Budgetary review and recommendations report (BRRR) Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition
- Minister engagement on Trade, Industry and Competition portfolio outcomes and insights
- Minister on the 2022/23 Annual Report of the dtic; and
- the 1st Quarter Performance of the dtic for the 2023/24 Financial Year.
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour, dated 26 September 2023:
- AGOA briefing by the Minister.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 19 September 2023:
- Briefing by the NLC on its 1st Quarter financial and non-financial performance for 2023/24
- Competition Commission to brief the Committee on Online Market Inquiry
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 12 September 2023:
- Briefing by the dtic, IDC and the NEF on the impact of Black Industrialists (BIs) on jobs and industrial output and the support of BIs i.r.o APP targets – Food and Energy Sectors.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 06 September 2023:
Presentation on Bills presented to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 29 August 2023:
- Briefing by the Minister on the Companies Amendment Bills
- B26-2023 (Companies Second Amendment Bill)
- B27-2023 (Companies Amendment Bill)
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 13 June 2023:
- Briefing on: Grey Listing; Zondo Commission Recommendations; and the dtic 4th Quarter Performance.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 07 June 2023:
- Briefing by the dtic, the NEF and the IDC on support provided to township economies.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, dated 06 June 2023:
- Policy inputs by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) on the impact of the Animals Protection Amendment Bill [B1-2021] to its policies.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 31 May 2023:
- Briefing by the CT on its 2023/24 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan (APP).
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 30 May 2023:
- Departmental responses on Negotiating Mandates on Performers Protection and Copyright Amendment Bills.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 30 May 2023:
- Briefing by the dtic, NCR and NCT on the existing debt review system and challenges in this regard.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 24 May 2023:
- Briefing by the NCC on its 4th quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2022/23 financial year.
- Briefing by the NCC on the progress made in the implementation of its recommendations on the timeshare industry.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 23 May 2023:
- Briefing by the ITAC on its 2023/24 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan (APP).
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 16 May 2023:
- Briefing by the ECIC on its 2023/24 Strategic Plan and Annual Performance Plan (APP).
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 10 May 2023:
- Briefing by the NLC on its 2023/24 Strategic and Annual Performance Plans.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 09 May 2023:
- Briefing by the B-BBEE Commission on its 2023/24 Strategic and Annual Performance Plan (APP).
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 09 May 2023:
- the dtic Briefing on its Budget, APP and Strategic Plan.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition, dated 03 May 2023:
- Briefing by the NRCS on its 2023/24 Strategic and Annual Performance Plans.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 21 April 2023:
- Briefing by the Minister and the dtic on its Strategic and Annual Performance Plans for 2023/24 financial year (Budget Vote).
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 18 April 2023:
- the dtic response to issues raised during public hearings on the Performers Protection Amendment Bill [B 24D – 2016] and the Copyright Amendment Bill [B 13D – 2017].
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 15 March 2023:
- Briefing by the NLC on its second and third quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2022/23 financial year.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 14 March 2023:
- Briefing by the Minister on South Africa’s trade negotiations and trade relations
- Briefing by the dtic on its 3rd quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2022/23 financial year. Work Performed in the Quarter
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 08 March 2023:
- Briefing by the NCR and the NCT on their first and second quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2022/23 financial year.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 07 March 2023:
- Briefing by the Competition Commission and the Competition Tribunal on their first and second quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2022/23 financial year.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 28 Feb 2023:
- Briefing by the IDC on its first and second quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2022/23 financial year.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 22 Feb 2023:
- Briefing by the NEF on their first and second quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2022/23 financial year.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 21 Feb 2023:
- Briefing by the SABS on an update on the implementation of its turnaround strategy.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 15 Feb 2023:
- Briefing by the Companies Tribunal (CT) and the ECIC on their first and second quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2022/23 financial year.
Parliamentary Presentations, 2022
Presentation to the Select Committee (SC) on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 29 Nov 2022:
- – Briefing by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) on Programme 2: Trade Policy.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 29 Nov 2022:
- Engagement with the dtic and stakeholders on the implementation of the South African Poultry Sector Master Plan.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 23 Nov 2022:
- Briefing by the NCC on its 2021/22 Annual report and its 2022/23 first quarter performance.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 16 Nov 2022:
- Briefing by the NMISA on its 2021/22 Annual report and its 2022/23 first quarter performance; and
- Briefing by the SANAS on its 2021/22 Annual report and its 2022/23 first quarter performance.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 15 Nov 2022:
- Briefing by the Minister on the WTO and on current trade negotiations and other trade related issues; and
- Briefing by the Minister on the outcomes of the Black Industrialists and Exporters Conference.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 9 Nov 2022:
- Briefing by the ITAC on its 2021/22 Annual report and its 2022/23 first quarter performance; and
- Briefing by the CIPC on its 2021/22 Annual report and its 2022/23 first quarter performance.
Presentation to the Select Committee (SC) on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 8 Nov 2022:
- Briefing by Department of Trade, Industry and Competition on the progress with regard to the status of Dimbaza Industrial Park.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 2 Nov 2022:
- Briefing by the NRCS on its 2021/22 Annual report and its 2022/23 first quarter performance; and
- Briefing by the SABS on its 2021/22 Annual report and its 2022/23 first quarter performance.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 1 Nov 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic on its first and second quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2022/23 financial year.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 26 Oct 2022:
- Briefing by the NLC on its 2021/22 Annual report and its 2022/23 first quarter performance.
Presentations to the Select Committee (SC) on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 25 Oct 2022:
- Workshop on Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill [B 24D – 2016]; and
- Briefing by Department of Trade, Industry and Competition on Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill [B 24D – 2016] and Copyright Amendment Bill [B 13D – 2017].
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 25 Oct 2022:
- Briefing by the NGB on its 2021/22 Annual report as well as on its first quarter financial and non-financial performance for 2022/23 financial year.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 12 Oct 2022:
- Follow-up on Mpumalanga Oversight visit (Ekandustria Industrial Park, Nkomazi SEZ, and the dtic, IDC, and NEF projects visited).
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 11 Oct 2022:
- Briefing by the Minister on the 2021/22 Annual Report of the dtic.
- Briefing by the Office of the Auditor-General on the 2021/22 audit outcomes of the dtic and its Entities
- Budgetary review and recommendations report (BRRR)
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 28 Sept 2022:
- Engagement with the dtic and stakeholders on the Implementation of the Master Plan for the South African Furniture Industry.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 27 Sept 2022:
- Follow-up briefing by the SIU on the investigation into allegations of maladministration and corruption at the National Lotteries Commission
- Introduction of the NLC Chairperson and Board
- Response from the dtic and the NLC on the SIU findings
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition made by Limpopo; to which the dtic was invited to attend, dated 21 Sept 2022:
- Briefing by the Limpopo Economic Development and Tourism Department on the development and plans for the Musina-Makhado SEZ; and
- Briefing by the Limpopo Development Agency on the development and plans for the Seshego and Nkowankowa Industrial Parks.
- Sekhukhune District Proposed Fetakgomo-Tubatse SEZ (FTSEZ)
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade, Industry and Competition; dated 13 Sept 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic on the status of implementing the following legislation: Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act; National Credit Amendment Act; Legal Metrology Act; and Protection of Investment Act
- Briefing by the dtic on the status of the review process with regard to the following: Consumer Protection Act and National Gambling Act
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry; dated 7 Sept 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic, IDC and NEF on its funding application and adjudication processes, as well as on its aftercare services.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry; dated 6 Sept 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic on its initiative to Reduce Red-Tape, as well as an update on the Roll-out of Provincial One-Stop Shops.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry; dated 31 Aug 2022:
- Engagement with the downstream sugar industry on possibilities and challenges to sugar beneficiation (Food and Beverages Sectors).
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry; dated 30 Aug 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic and its entities on their implementation of relief programmes, including the 2021 unrest, as well as the impact on the broader economy and the dtic’s allocated budget.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry; dated 23 Aug 2022:
- Briefing by the Minister on the Scrap Metal Draft Policy.
Presentation to the Select Committee (SC) on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 14 June 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) on the progress and challenges in implementing the Black Industrialist (BI) Programme and uplifting of companies owned by women, youth entrepreneurs particularly those operating in targeted industries and Special Economic Zones (SEZ); towards promotion of localisation in product development and trade.
Presentation to the Select Committee (SC) on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 7 June 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic on Programme 5: Consumer and Corporate Regulation Programme.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry; dated 7 June 2022:
- Engagement with the dtic with respect to the Implementation of the Retail Clothing, Textiles, Footwear and Leather Value Chain Master Plan.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry; dated 31 May 2022:
- Briefing by the ITAC on its Financial and Non-Financial Performance for Fourth Quarter of the 2021/22 Financial Year.
Presentation to the Select Committee (SC) on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 31 May 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic on progress being made on Industrial Infrastructure Development particularly in respect of spending allocated budgets on industrial financing programmes and the role they play in activating Industrial Parks through the DDM across all Provinces.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Public Enterprises; dated 25 May 2022:
- -Briefing by the dtic on the Policy impediments that prohibit state-owned companies (Eskom and Transnet) from advancing their developmental mandate.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry; dated 24 May 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic on its Financial and Non-Financial Performance for Fourth Quarter of the 2021/22 Financial Year.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry; dated 10 May 2022:
- Engagement with stakeholders with respect to the Implementation of the South African Sugar Value Chain Master Plan.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry; dated 6 May 2022:
- Response from the dtic and Adv vd Merwe on submissions received with respect to the Copyright Amendment Bill [1].
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry; dated 3 May 2022:
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee (PC) on Trade and Industry and to the Select Committee (SC) on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 19 April 2022:
- PC – Briefing by the Minister on the implications of SONA and the Budget Speech on the dtic’s mandate and Briefing by the dtic on its Strategic and Annual Performance Plans
- SC – Briefing on Budget Vote 39, APP and Strategic Plan of the dtic – DG and DDGs
- Annual Performance Plan (APP) 2022/23
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 23 March 2022:
- Briefing by the National Consumer Tribunal (NCT) on its Financial and non-Financial Performance for the 2021/22 Financial year to date (Quarters 1-3).
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 22 March 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic and its Entities on the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (ERRP).
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 16 March 2022:
- Briefing by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) on its Financial and non-Financial Performance for the 2021/22 Financial year to date (Quarters 1-3); and
- Briefing by the Companies Tribunal (CT) on its Financial and non-Financial Performance for the 2021/22 Financial year to date (Quarters 1-3).
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Small Business Development; dated 16 March 2022:
- Briefing by the Competition Commission (CC) on its mandate; placing more attention on the role of the Commission in creating opportunities for SMMEs to participate in the economy.
Presentation, including supporting documentation, to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 15 March 2022:
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 09 March 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic, NRCS and SABS on the Public Protector’s Report on the conversion of Toyota Quantum panel vans with a focus on the remedial action addressed to the Minister of Trade and Industry.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 08 March 2022:
- Briefing by the NCC on its Financial and Non-Financial Performance for the 2021/22 Financial Year to date (Quarters 1-3).
Presentation and Report to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 01 March 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic on the 2020/21 Annual Incentive Report.
- PC Trade – the dtic Annual Incentive Report
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 23 February 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic, NRCS and SABS on the Public Protector’s Report regarding the illegal conversion of goods carrying Toyota Quantum Vans into passenger carrying minibus taxis.
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 08 February 2022:
- Briefing by Department of Trade, Industry and Competition on its 2020/21 Annual Report.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, dated 22 February 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic on Trade Policy and an update on trade negotiations as well as implementation of trade agreements.
Presentation to the Standing Committee on Finance, dated 16 February 2022; under the following meeting heading:
- Briefing by Nedlac and the B-BBEE Commission on Transformation in the Financial Sector and update on the Financial Sector Summit.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 16 February 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic on its 2nd and 3rd quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2021/22 financial year.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 15 February 2022:
- Briefing by the dtic and the B-BBEE Commission on the Equity Equivalent Investment Programme as well as on the B-BBEE Commission’s activity over the 2020/21 financial year
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 08 February 2022:
- Briefing by the NRCS on its 2020/21 Annual Report, including first and second quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2021/22 financial year.
Parliamentary Presentations, 2021
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 07 Dec 2021:
- Briefing on the Master Plan for the Steel and Metal Fabrication Sector.
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Tourism, Small Business Development, Employment and Labour; dated 23 Nov 2021:
- Strategic and functional role and contribution of the Free State Provincial Department of Economic Development and Mangaung Economic Agencies to translate the Economic Reconstruction Recovery Plan in order to boost Economic Growth, Attract Investments and Boost Job Creation in the Free State Province.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, dated 23 Nov 2021:
- Briefing by the IDC on their Annual Report (AR) / issues flagged by the Auditor-General in their AR.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, in parts of 3; dated 09 Nov 2021:
- Response from the dtic on the submissions received wrt the Copyright and the Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills;
- Briefing by the Office of the Auditor-General on audit outcomes as it relates to the dtic and its entities; and
- Briefing by the dtic on its 2020/21 Annual Report as well as on its first quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2021/22 financial year.
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Tourism, Small Business Development, Employment and Labour; dated 09 Nov 2021:
- Briefing on Strategic and functional role and contribution of the Eastern Cape Development Corporation and the Buffalo City Development Agency to translate the Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan in order to boost Economic Growth, Attract Investments and Boost Job Creation in the Eastern Cape Province and Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality.
Presentation to the Standing Committee on Appropriations (SCOA); dated 15 Sept 2021:
- the dtic Briefing on Second Special Appropriation Bill [B 17-2021].
Presentations to the PC on Trade and Industry; dated 07 Sept 2021:
- Briefing by the National Consumer Tribunal (NCT) on its fourth quarter financial performance and non-financial performance for the 2020/21 financial year; and
- Briefing by the National Credit Regulator (NCR) on its fourth quarter financial performance and non-financial performance for the 2020/21 financial year.
Presentation to the PC on Trade and Industry; dated 01 Sept 2021:
- Briefing by the National Gambling Board on its fourth quarter financial performance and non-financial performance for the 2020/21 financial year.
Presentations to the PC on Justice and Correctional Services; dated 25 Aug 2021:
- Briefing to Portfolio Committee on Justice and Correctional Services on Cannabis for Private Private Purpose Bill.
- Input by various Departments on the Cannabis for Private Purposes Bill.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 25 Aug 2021:
- Status reports from the SABS and the NRCS on progress regarding the implementation of their turnaround strategies.
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; dated 24 Aug 2021:
- Briefing by the dtic on interventions and support to distressed businesses affected by the unrest in KZN and Gauteng.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; dated 24 Aug 2021:
- Briefing by the dtic, the IDC and the NEF on economic recovery support interventions.
Presentation made by SASRIA:
- Briefing on the mandate, function and operation of SASRIA
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; meeting dated 18 Aug 2021
- Briefing by the dtic on its 4th quarter financial and non-financial performance for the 2020/21 financial year.
Presentations to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour meeting, dated 22 June 2021:
- Briefing by the dtic on the Automotive and Poultry Master Plans.
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour meeting, dated 08 June 2021:
- Briefing by the dtic on its Budget Vote and Annual Performance Plan.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, meeting dated 2 June 2021:
- Briefing by the Competition Commission on its Strategic and Annual Performance Plans for 2021/22.
Presentation to Joint Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry and Portfolio Committee on International Relations and Cooperation meeting, dated 1 June 2021:
- on the current negotiations in relation to the waiver for COVID-19 vaccines at the WTO
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, 26 May 2021:
- Briefing by the National Credit Regulator on its Strategic and Annual Performance Plans for 2021/22.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy, dated 11 May 2021:
- Briefing by the dtic on the BI Programme
- A Sample of NEF Invesnvestees in Mining
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, dated 11 May 2021:
- Engagement with the stakeholders within the sugar industry on the implementation of the Master Plan.
- Presentations delivered by: SAFDA
- Sugarcane Value Chain Master Plan to 2030: SASA
- Presentations delivered by: SA Canegrowers
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, dated 5 May 2021:
- Deliberations on the Remitted Bills, as presented by Parliament.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, dated 04 May 2021
- Briefing on the dtic Strategic and Annual Performance Plans for 2021/22
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, dated 17 March 2021:
- Update on SEZ implementation; and
- Implementation of SABS turnaround strategy
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, dated 16 March 2021:
- Implementation of African Continental Free Trade Agreement
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, dated 03 March 2021:
- National Empowerment Fund & Industrial Development Corporation on their contribution to economic recovery plan
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, dated 23 Feb 2021:
- Implementation of Master Plans
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, dated 17 Feb 2021:
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, dated 16 Feb 2021:
Parliamentary Presentations, 2020
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Transport Subcommittee; as presented by the dtic‘s NRCS on 02 Dec 2020:
– Briefing by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) on the Public Protector Report: a systematic investigation into the illegal conversion of goods carrying Toyota Quantum Panel Vans into Passenger carrying MiniBus Taxis to transport members of the public for reward
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; as presented by the dtic on 10 Nov 2020:
– Briefing on the dti and EDD 2019/20 Annual Reports.
Presentations to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; as presented by the dtic‘s NEF & IDC on 03 Nov 2020:
- Briefing on possible strategies and policy options to ensure Supported Employment Enterprises (SEEs) are financially viable and contribute to realise social impact objectives.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; as presented by the dtic on 03 Nov 2020:
- Briefing on the National IP policy (Phase 1) and the implementation thereof, as well as the development of further policy
Presentations to the Standing Committee on Appropriations i.r.o “Its role in stimulating economic growth in SA”. Delivered 30 Oct 2020
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; as presented by the dtic on 28 Oct 2020:
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; as presented by the dtic Minister on 27 Oct 2020:
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; as presented by the dtic on 21 Oct 2020:
- Update on the implementation of new legislation (Protection of Investment Act & Legal Metrology Act).
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; as presented by the dtic‘s TPNC Branch on 20 Oct 2020:
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, as presented on 20 Oct 2020:
- Update on the implementation of new legislation: Competition Amendment Act; and
- -Briefing by the Competition Commission and Competition Tribunal on any COVID-19 investigations and cases.
- Implementation of the Competition Amendment Act No.18 of 2018
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; as presented on 13 Oct 2020 by the TPNC Branch:
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; as presented on 07 Oct 2020 by the SABS & the NRCS on: Status report on progress made regarding the turnaround strategies.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; as presented on 6 Oct 2020:
– the dti & EDD 2019-20 Annual Reports; and
– the dtic 1st Q 2020-21 Performance.
Presentations and documents to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, by the NLC and the dtic on NLC matters; as presented on 2 Sept 2020. Presentation, Annexure A, Annexure B
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration, by the CIPC on: Efforts in Assisting Government to Prohibit Public Servants from Doing Business with the State; as presented on 2 Sept 2020
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; by the dtic on the Retail-Clothing, Textile, Leather & Footwear (R-CTLF) Master Plan – as presented on 1 Sept 2020.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, by the dtic Minister on the Black Industrialist Programme; as presented on 1 Sept 2020.
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; by the dtic on the Consideration of Final Mandates on the National Gambling Amendment Bill [B 27B-2018] – as presented on 25 Aug 2020
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, by the dtic on the Copyright and Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills – a Background document for the Committee; as presented on 25 Aug 2020
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, by the dtic DG: An update on Government’s COVID-19 interventions; as presented on 19 Aug 2020
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; by the Minister on the Copyright and Performers’ Protection Amendment Bills: a Background Document – as presented on 18 Aug 2020.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; by the Minister on the Sugar and Steel Industries – as presented on 28 July 2020. Government Gazette No.43466
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; by the dtic on its Revised 2020/21 Budget and APP – presented on 10 July 2020.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; by the dtic on its Revised 2020/21 Budget and APP – presented on 8 July 2020
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; by the SABS and NRCS: Progress on Implementing Turnaround Strategies, dated 24 June 2020
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; by the dtic on Localisation and Beneficiation, dated 19 June 2020
Presentations to the Joint Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; and to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour:
ITAC’s Response to COVID-19 and the dti & EDD 4th Q Report, on 2 June 2020.
Presentation to the Joint Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; and to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour – delivered by the dtic‘s Technical Infrastructure Entities on Contributions to Government’s COVID-19 Response, dated 28 May 2020.
Presentation to the Western Cape Standing Committee on Finance; delivered by the dtic on Steel. – 27 May 2020.
Presentation to the Joint Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry; and to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour, made by the DG on behalf of the Minister in respect of an Update on COVID-19 Measures Pertaining to the dtic Mandate – as on 22 May 2020.
Presentations to the Joint Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry and to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; made by the Competition Commission and the NCC in Response to COVID-19, as on 19 May 2020.
Presentations to the Joint Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry and to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; made by the NEF and the IDC in Response to COVID-19, as on 13 May 2020.
Presentation to the Joint Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry and to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; made by the NCR and the CIPC in Response to COVID-19, as on 12 May 2020.
Presentation to the Joint Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry and to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; made by the DG on the dtic‘s 2020 APP and Strat Plan, as on 11 May 2020
Joint Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry and to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; made by the Minister of the dtic on 1 May 2020:
Tabling, National Assembly and National Council of Provinces – 23 April 2020
The Minister of Trade and Industry
- Strategic Plan of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition for 2020–2025.
- Annual Performance Plan of the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition for 2020/2021.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry by the dti, NT & ITAC, as on 11 March 2020:
-Briefing with the dti and National Treasury on measures to ensure compliance with local content requirements and the verification thereof; Briefing by ITAC on its 3rd quarter financial and non-financial performance.
- the dti: Local Content Policy & Designation – Measures to Ensure Compliance and Verification
- National Treasury: Measures to Ensure Compliance with Local Content Requirements and the Verification Thereof.
- ITAC Q3 financial and non-financial performance Report.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry by the dti-CIPC and Science, as on 4 March 2020:
- Implementation of the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act, No. 28 of 2013
- Briefing by the dti, the DST and CIPC on the impact of implementation with respect to the Protection, Promotion, Development and Management of the Indigenous Knowledge Act (No. 6 of 2019) on Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Act (No. 28 of 2013)].
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry by the dti & EDD, as on 3 March 2020:
- EDD Q3 financial and non-financial performance
- the dti Q3 financial and non-financial performance Report.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry by the dti, as on 26 Feb 2020:
- Briefing by NMISA on its 3rd quarter financial and non-financial performance; and
- Briefing by SANAS on its 3rd quarter financial and non-financial performance.
Briefing by the dti on the outcomes of technical working groups on measures to improve the ease of doing business, including measures to address visa constraints for investors and on progress regarding the establishment of the outstanding provincial One-Stop Shops – 18 February 2020
Parliamentary Presentations, 2019
Briefing document to the Ad Hoc Committee on Legislation Amending Section 25 of the Constitution in respect of the Expropriation without Compensation Bill; as on 27 Nov 2019, by the dti:
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, as on 27 Nov 2019, by the following:
- the Companies Tribunal on 2018/19 Annual Report, 2019/20 1st an 2nd Q performance; and
- the CIPC on 2018/19 Annual Report, 2019/20 1st an 2nd Q performance.
Presentations to the Standing Committee on Finance; by the dti‘s B-BBEE Commission as on 26 Nov 2019:
- B-BBEE Commission – Financial Sector Transformation
- National Treasury – Financial Sector Transformation
- SARB – Financial Sector Transformation
- FSTC – Financial Sector Transformation
Presentations to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour; by the NEF as on 26 Nov 2019:
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, 26 Nov 2019.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, 19 Nov 2019.
- the Competition Commission: 1st & 2nd Q Performance; and
- the Competition Tribunal: Annual Report, 1st & 2nd Q Performance.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, 13 Nov 2019.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Sports, Arts and Culture; by the NLC dated 1 Nov 2019:
Presentations to the PC on Trade and Industry; as on 12 Nov 2019.
- the dti on Sugar Industry;
- SASA on Sugar Industry;
- the dti on 2nd Q 2019/20 performance; and
- EDD on 2nd Q 2019/20 performance
Presentations to the Steering Commitee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour, 05 Nov 2019.
Presentations to the PC on Trade and Industry, 5 Nov 2019.
Presentation on the Competition Amendment Act as presented by EDD to the PC on Trade and Industry, 29 Oct 2019.
Presentation to the SC on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour, 29 Oct 2019.
Presentation to the PC on Trade and Industry, 29 Oct 2019.
Presentation to the PC on Trade and Industry, 23 Oct 2019.
Presentation to the PC on Trade and Industry, 22 Oct 2019.
Presentation to the PC on Trade and Industry, 9 Oct 2019.
- the SABS 2018/19 AR and 1st Q 2019/20 Performance; and
- the NRCS 2018/19 AR and 1st Q 2019/20 Performance.
Presentation to the PC on Trade and Industry, 8 Oct 2019.
- the dti 2018/19 AR and 1st Q 2019/20 Performance;
- EDD 2018/19 AR
- EDD 2019/20 1st Q Performance; and
- the AG’s 2018/19 report on the dti and EDD.
Presentation and supporting documents to the PC on Trade and Industry, 18 Sept 2019.
Presentation and supporting supporting document to the PC on Higher Education, Science & Technology, 17 Sept 2019.
- 4th Industrial Revolution: Overview and Policy Implications
- Towards a Digital Industrial Policy for South Africa: A Review of the Issues
Presentation and supporting document to the PC on Trade and Industry, 17 Sept 2019.
Presentation and a supporting document to the PC on Trade and Industry, 11 Sept 2019.
Presentation and a supporting documents to the PC on Trade and Industry, 10 Sept 2019.
- National Credit Act (as amended in 2019)
- National Credit Act No 34 of 2005
- National Credit Bill, 2018 – SEIAS
- South Africa Automotive Masterplan: Post 2020 Policy Framework
- Automotives Masterplan
Briefing document to the Joint Standing Committee on Finance, etc., by the dti‘s CIPC on 4 Sept 2019.
Presentation and supporting documents to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, by the dti on 4 Sept 2019.
- Status on matters relating to the Sugar Industry
- Briefing Note: Engagements with the Sugar Industry
- Supplementary Information on Sugar Matters
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, by the Committee as on 28 Aug 2019.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, by the dti‘s CCRD as on 21 Aug 2019:
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour by the dti on Budget Vote 34, as on 23 July 2019.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry by the dti, as part of an Induction to the Department. 16 July 2019 – Broadening Participation:
Presentation to the Select Committee on Trade and Industry, Economic Development, Small Business Development, Tourism, Employment and Labour by the dti on the National Gambling Amendment Bill.
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry by the dti, as part of an Induction to the Department: 16 July 2019 – Broadening Participation:
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry by the dti ‘s Entities on Industrial Development, as part of an Induction to the Department – 9 July 2019: Industrial Development:
- Parliamentary Questions – National Council of Provinces: March 2014 – March 2019
- the dti Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly 2019
- the dti Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly 2018
- the dti Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly 2017
- the dti Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly 2016
- the dti Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly 2015
- the dti Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly 2014
Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry by the dti on 4 July 2019.
Presentation and supporting documentation to the Select Committee on Trade and International Relations by the dti on the WIPO Treaties, 26 March 2019.
- Accession to World Intellectual Property Organization Treaties
- Accession to WCT
- Accession to WPPT
- Accession to Beijing Treaty
Matrix to the Select Committee on Trade and International Relations, 20 March 2019 by the dti on Copyright Amendment Bill.
Presentation to the Joint Standing Committee on Finance, 20 March 2019 by the dti on Illicit Financial Flows.
Briefing document presented to the Joint Standing Committee on Finance, 19 March 2019 by the dti‘s CIPC in respect of Steinhoff.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, 13 March 2019 by the dti on:
Presentations and supporting document to the Select Committee on Trade and International Relations, 6 March 2019 by the dti on:
- The Copyright Amendment Bill ,
- The Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill
- Stakeholder submissions and responses
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, 6 March 2019 by:
Presentations on Localisation to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, 5 March 2019 by:
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, 27 Feb 2019 by the dti:
Presentations and supporting documents to the Select Committee on Trade and International Relations, 26 Feb 2019; by the dti in response to stakeholder submissions on:
- the dti Response to Stakeholder Submissions on the National Gambling Amendment Bill
- Summary of Written Submissions on National Gambling Amendment Bill [B27B-2018]
- NGAB Submission [B27B-2018]
- Invitation to Comment on the NGAB
- BASA comments on NGAB
- NGAB – Oral Submission
- CDH Submission
- South Africa Bookmakers Association
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, 26 Feb 2019 by the dti and the committee:
- a briefing by the Minister on SONA and Budget as it relates to the dti‘s mandate;
- a briefing on and consideration of the Accession to the WIPO Treaties: Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances, WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty, as well as WIPO Copyright Treaty; and
- the Committee’s decision on the Sugar Industry
written comments presented to the SC on Petitions and Executive Undertakings, 20 Feb 2019 by the dti
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry, 19 Feb 2019 by ECIC
Presentations and supporting matrix to the Select Committee on Trade and International Relations, 13 Feb 2019:
- The Copyright Amendment Bill
- Performers’ Protection Amendment Bill; and
- Negotiating Mandates on National Credit Amendment Bill: summary matrix by Parliament and the dti.
Presentations to the Portfolio Committee on Trade an