Market Access
The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) provides leadership on South Africa’s trade policy, to promote economic growth and development, industrial upgrading and diversification, poverty reduction through sustainable employment and job creation. the dtic further aims to build an equitable multilateral trading system that facilitates development, and strengthens trade and investment links with key economies. In particular, the dtic seeks to foster African development, through regional and continental integration and development, aligned to the objectives of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD).
In broad terms, the development and implementation of trade policy requires ongoing efforts to shape the terms and conditions of South Africa’s integration into the global economy, in a manner that supports South Africa’s national economic and industrial developmental objectives. the dtic contributes to creating the conditions that enhance the export of higher value-added products, promote inward and outward investment, and preserve the space to implement national development policies. the dtic broadens and strengthens national consultative mechanisms both within government, and between government and its stakeholders. Consultation between departments, particularly within the intra-governmental cluster system, with Parliament and stakeholders, primarily through the National Economic Development and Labour Council (NEDLAC), are focus areas in this regard.