Parliamentary Questions
Parliament 7th Administration
- Question 2477 – Whether, with reference to the reply by the Minister of Agriculture to question 1423 on 1 November 2024, and considering that some of the Republic’s neighbouring countries have imposed temporary border closures on South African agricultural produce during their own seasonal harvests, he will consider a similar action to ensure the Republic’s agricultural and economic sustainability and reduce foreign competition at our own farmers’ cost during seasonal gluts of identifiable produce; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 2455 – With regard to the Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone, what is the update on the (a) status of securing funds to complete the basic infrastructure necessary for the construction of top structures, (b) total funds (i) raised to date and (ii) still to be raised and (c) commitments from private sector investors in various sectors including (i) coal mining, (ii) electricity generation, (iii) steel making and (iv) other manufactured products?
- Question 2454 – (a) What is the policy of the National Lotteries Commission regarding reparations for staff members who were dismissed for blowing the whistle on corrupt grant disbursements, including (i) coverage of legal costs, (ii) compensation for loss of income incurred during their defence following dismissal and (iii) other related expenses, (b) on what date will such reparations be paid and (c) what measures have been implemented to protect the identities of whistleblowers who report corruption in the future?
- Question 2453 – With regard to the recently announced R100 billion Transformation Fund, which will be managed by the National Empowerment Fund, what is the (a) anticipated source of funding, both from the Government and the private sector and (b) mandate of the fund in terms of the (i) beneficiaries to be funded (ii) expected returns on investment and (iii) adherence to the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Code of Good Practice;
- Question 2408 – What are the reasons that his department permits the unchecked proliferation of online gambling, particularly sports betting, when it is clear that the practice is preying on the most vulnerable citizens, turning desperation into addiction rather than offering legitimate economic solutions;
- Question 2386 – With manufacturing contributing less than 13% to the gross domestic product in 2023, what specific, immediate steps is his department taking to (a) halt the decline and (b) stimulate growth in the sector;
- Question 2366 – With reference to the widespread sentiment that his department’s focus on protectionism, masterplans and selective, interventionist approach to regulating firms, especially in the realms of competition policy, has been counterproductive, what (a) are the relevant details of his department’s plan not to limit emerging firms from becoming sufficiently competitive in order to expand their share of the world’s demands for goods in this unfavourable economic climate, (b) is his department’s strategy to ensure that protectionist policies do not hinder the potential of South African firms and (c) are the further relevant details?
- NCOP Question 659 – Whether any considerations have been given to develop inland container depot in the Maluti-A-Phofung Special Economic Zone that will be linked to Durban Harbour by rail to relieve harbour congestion, heavy goods traffic on the highways, road maintenance and saving costs for industries that are transporting goods on this route; if not, why not; if so, (a) what potential savings are expected in this regard and (b) what are the further relevant details?
- Question 2477 – Whether, with reference to the reply by the Minister of Agriculture to question 1423 on 1 November 2024, and considering that some of the Republic’s neighbouring countries have imposed temporary border closures on South African agricultural produce during their own seasonal harvests, he will consider a similar action to ensure the Republic’s agricultural and economic sustainability and reduce foreign competition at our own farmers’ cost during seasonal gluts of identifiable produce; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 2455 – With regard to the Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone, what is the update on the (a) status of securing funds to complete the basic infrastructure necessary for the construction of top structures, (b) total funds (i) raised to date and (ii) still to be raised and (c) commitments from private sector investors in various sectors including (i) coal mining, (ii) electricity generation, (iii) steel making and (iv) other manufactured products?
- Question 2454 – (a) What is the policy of the National Lotteries Commission regarding reparations for staff members who were dismissed for blowing the whistle on corrupt grant disbursements, including (i) coverage of legal costs, (ii) compensation for loss of income incurred during their defence following dismissal and (iii) other related expenses, (b) on what date will such reparations be paid and (c) what measures have been implemented to protect the identities of whistleblowers who report corruption in the future?
- Question 2453 – With regard to the recently announced R100 billion Transformation Fund, which will be managed by the National Empowerment Fund, what is the (a) anticipated source of funding, both from the Government and the private sector and (b) mandate of the fund in terms of the (i) beneficiaries to be funded (ii) expected returns on investment and (iii) adherence to the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Code of Good Practice;
- Question 2408 – What are the reasons that his department permits the unchecked proliferation of online gambling, particularly sports betting, when it is clear that the practice is preying on the most vulnerable citizens, turning desperation into addiction rather than offering legitimate economic solutions;
- Question 2386 – With manufacturing contributing less than 13% to the gross domestic product in 2023, what specific, immediate steps is his department taking to (a) halt the decline and (b) stimulate growth in the sector;
- Question 2366 – With reference to the widespread sentiment that his department’s focus on protectionism, masterplans and selective, interventionist approach to regulating firms, especially in the realms of competition policy, has been counterproductive, what (a) are the relevant details of his department’s plan not to limit emerging firms from becoming sufficiently competitive in order to expand their share of the world’s demands for goods in this unfavourable economic climate, (b) is his department’s strategy to ensure that protectionist policies do not hinder the potential of South African firms and (c) are the further relevant details?
- Question 2185 – What (a) total number of jobs have been lost in the steel industry in the past five years due to the closure of steel plants and (b) is the turnaround strategy to (i) re-open steel factories and (ii) protect the local steel industry from excessive imports of steel from abroad?
- Question 2101 – In what manner is funding from the Khoebo Innovation Promotion Programme allocated across different economic sectors;
- Question 2089 – Considering the recent election of Mr Donald Trump as the President of the United States of America (USA) and his expressed intentions to end the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and to impose a 10% tariff on all products imported into the USA, and in light of the fact that the Republic currently exports approximately R100 billion worth of goods to the USA, what (a) proactive measures is his department implementing to secure and maintain the Republic’s critical access to the trade benefits provided under AGOA and (b) strategies or interventions is his department pursuing to mitigate the potential imposition of an additional 10% tariff on South African exports to the USA, which could severely impact the Republic’s export economy?
- Question 2041 – What criteria does his department use in support of businesses applying to participate in trade exhibitions overseas;
- Question 1990 – What are the full details of the Republic’s (a) priorities and (b) expected outcomes in respect of the opportunity of assuming G20 presidency on 01 December 2024, considering that the G20 is a critical forum for global economic cooperation, influencing trade, investment and addressing pressing global issues such as sustainable development and economic recovery?
- Question 1903 – Whether, given that the amended regulations are aimed at protecting consumers from intrusive marketing, there has been any studies and/or data collected on the effectiveness of similar registries in other countries that could inform the strategy for implementing the National Opt-Out Registry; if not, why not; if so, (a) what penalties are being proposed for noncompliance by direct marketers and (b) how will his department ensure that the specified penalties are enforced?
- Question 1885 – Whether he will furnish Ms D E James with a complete breakdown of all official travel for (a) him and (b) the Deputy Ministers since they assumed office, including the (i) purpose and justification for each trip, (ii) destination details, (iii) costs incurred, including but not limited to transport, accommodation, meals and other related incidental expenses, (iv) names and roles of all accompanying support staff and their respective costs and (v) additional costs associated with each specified trip; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?
- Question 1726 – What was the rationale to extend the current National Lottery Licence Operator by two years until 31 May 2025 and (b) by what date will the announcement take place, given the implications of a delay?
- Question 1679 – Question Whether the Republic has any trade relations in the agricultural sector with Russia; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) in which agricultural products and (b) what is the value of the trade on an annual basis?
- Question 1666 – Whether, in light of the growing phenomenon of poisoned goods in tuck shops, his department will consider establishing a multi-disciplinary unit with the SA Bureau of Standards, National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications and the National Metrology Institute of South Africa working with the Border Management Authority to address the scourge of fake and dangerous goods, especially food in the Republic; if not, (a) why not and (b) how will his department contribute to addressing the problem; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 1638 – Whether he had been informed that the agreement of the Price Preference System (PPS) will be withdrawn when export duties on scrap steel commences; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 1602 – Given that the Manufacturing Indaba brings together various stakeholders each year, how does his department intend to engage with the stakeholders to ensure that the localisation framework is effectively implemented and addresses the needs of the manufacturing sector?
- Question 1576 – What process and/or processes were followed in appointing the seven-person panel that will adjudicate and ultimately choose the next National Lottery Operator?
- Question 1544 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 711 on 10 October 2024, he will furnish Mr M M Mdluli with (a) copies of reciprocal agreements that are redacted with regard to the number of jobs and values of investment, (b) copies of impact assessments, with confidential information redacted, (c) confirmation from the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa that reciprocal agreements are not required for duty reductions and/or rebates, (d) details on the rationale, if required, and (e) a list of investigations for duty relief requested, outlining both locally made and international products; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 1530 – With reference to applications to the International Trade Administration Commission, what total the number of applications (a) have been filed for trade and trade remedies pertaining to anti-dumping, safeguarding and countervailing since 1 January 2021, (b) were (i) processed and (ii) declined in the specified period and (c) are still under consideration since 2021? [ANNEXURE-A]
- Question 1499 – Question Whether there are positions of trade attachés vacant in our foreign missions; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) total number of the foreign missions have not filled the vacant positions, (b) processes have been initiated to fill the specified positions so that the organogram becomes a true representation of the departmental structure and (c) for how long have the positions been vacant?
- Question 1486 – What are the (a) reasons that the option for amending the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Act, Act 46 of 2013, is being considered and (b) are the details of the (i) discussions between his department and other relevant stakeholders, including other government departments, regarding the possibility of Starlink providing satellite internet services in the Republic and (ii) other optional service providers that offer services that are similar to those provided by Starlink?
- Question 1469 – Given that his department plays a vital role in facilitating trade and ensuring market access for South African businesses, which are essential for driving economic growth and creating jobs, what strategies is his department pursuing to simplify trade processes and reduce red tape for South African businesses looking to export their products internationally;
- Question 1456 – With regard to gambling operators in the Republic, what total number of (a) gambling operators has each province licenced and (b) the licenced gambling operators has a licence for (i) on-site operations and (ii) website gambling;
- Question 1430 – What is the full breakdown of all (a) line items of remuneration and (b) payments made by his department to each individual board member, including (i) board fees, (ii) consulting fees and (iii) any other category of payment?
- Question 1427 – (a) What is the total number of Special Economic Zones (SEZ) that have been declared in the Republic, (b) where is each SEZ located and (c) what is the total investment that has been attracted into each zone in the past five years;
- Question 1363 – Given the benefits associated with the Aquaculture Development and Enhancement Programme, and in the interest of developing and enriching rural communities, what (a) rural-based (i) companies and (ii) cooperatives in (aa) KwaZulu-Natal and (bb) the Eastern Cape have benefitted from the specified programme in the past financial year and (b) number of jobs were created and/or sustained in the programme in the past financial year?
- Question 1354 – What measures have been put in place to monitor the effectiveness of the existing special economic zones;
- Question 1353 – Given that the Government announced a target to allocate at least 40% of public procurement spend to black women-owned businesses, what (a) has his department done to achieve this target and (b) is the current percentage of public procurement spend of his department that goes to black women-owned businesses?
- Question 1340 – How will he align the vision and outcomes of his department to achieve the objectives of the National Development Plan 2030, which has only seven more years to run, and
- Question 1337 – What concrete steps and/or strategies have been put in place for the National Lotteries Commission Board to ensure that it is able to implement stable governance within the institution and turn the page on its sad history of corruption?
- Question 1320 – In view of his department’s objectives of expanding market access opportunities for the exportation of Republic’s goods and services, what (a) specific sectors and/or industries are prioritised for export growth and (b) measures are in place to support their international competitiveness?
- Question 1302 – Considering that the Industrial Policy Action Plan has correctly identified public procurement as a key lever for industrialisation and re-industrialisation and noting that raising aggregate domestic demand through the promotion of local production was targeted, what is the status of local content verification and/or verification of the real achieved value?
- Question 1300 – Whether his department has forecast what the economic cost would be for every day that Gauteng is without water in respect of a Day Zero scenario, where the water supply in Gauteng is interrupted and/or demand outstrips supply; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what is the total figure;
- Question 1280 – What (a) specific strategies is his department implementing to address the issue of abandonedfactories across the Republic and (b) is the timeline for the specified strategies;
- Question 1273 – (a) What amount did the National Empowerment Fund contribute towards township development projects since 2019, (b) were the amounts in the form of loans and/or grants and (c) what is the success rate of the investment?
- Question 1223 – With reference to Intercape Ferreira Mainliner (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Police and Others (1013/2023), where minibus taxi organisations were found to be endangering the safety of buses, drivers and passengers, and engaging in criminal and anti-competitive practices, (a) what actions has (i) his department and (ii) the Competition Commission, in particular, taken to address the anticompetitive behaviour by minibus taxi organisations, (b) which minibus taxi organisations have been investigated by the Competition Commission and (c) what were the outcomes of the specified investigations?
- Question 1214 – (a) What are the reasons that the appointments were not made to the National Lotteries Commission’s Distribution Agency, even after a shortlist was compiled and interviews were conducted and (b) on what date will appointments be made?
- Question 1213 – (a) On what date is it envisaged that a full complement of members of the National Lotteries Commission’s Distributing Agency will be in place, (b) what are the names of current members of the Agency (c) what measures are being taken against conflicts of interest of Agency’s members, (d)(i) what is the current backlog of grant applications from the 2023-24 financial year and (ii) by what date is the backlog expected to be cleared and (e) on what date will applications for the 2024-25 financial year commence?
- Question 1212 – (a) What is the total number of staff disciplinary inquiries that the National Lotteries Commission is dealing with currently, (b) what is the position of each staff member facing a disciplinary inquiry, (c) on what date did each disciplinary inquiry commence, (d) what total number of staff facing a disciplinary inquiry receives full renumeration, (e) what is the total cost of employment of each staff member facing a disciplinary inquiry, (f) what total number of staff members facing disciplinary inquiry have resigned while under investigation and (g) what total number of (i) disciplinary inquiries have been referred to law enforcement agencies and (ii) criminal cases have been opened as a result?
- Question 1167 – What (a) measures have been put in place to ensure that the (i) Independent Music Producers Rights Association and (ii) SA Music Producers Rights Association comply with approved distribution plans and (b) is the logic behind the requirement for any collecting society to provide proof of its membership of 50 plus while there is proof that they are collecting even on behalf of non-members;
- Question 1071 – Whether, considering that in the past two decades the National Empowerment Fund has approximately spent R12,6 billion towards 24 strategic projects and the creation of 3 600 job opportunities, he has found these funds to be well spent; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 1070 – Whether, considering that the National Empowerment Fund has distributed approximately R195 million towards the creation of 538 temporary and permanent jobs to 14 companies, he has found that was an efficient use of taxpayer funds; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 1062 – What are the full details of companies approved by the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa to purchase scrap metal from Transnet since June 2021 to date?
- Question 1055 – What are the full details of (a) all the industries that are (i) designated under the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, Act 5 of 2000, and (ii) currently investigated for designation and (b) each applicant in terms of the (i) name of applicant, (ii) date of application and (iii) decision taken regarding the applicant’s application and (iv) date of the decision?
- Question 1005 – In light of how the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission has continued to deregister many closed corporations and private companies because of their failure to pay for annual returns, which are mostly companies owned by young black people in our communities who are trying to earn a living through registering the companies, what measures have been put in place to assist the specified companies to pay their annual fees if they have not traded for a financial year;
- Question 995 – Whether, considering reports that the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) made a transfer of R300 million of its surplus funds to the National Revenue Fund (NRF), after the National Treasury requested that R1,2 billion be transferred to the NRF, he has found such allegations to be true; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so,
- Question 988 – (a) How has the (i) Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) of South Africa and (ii) National Empowerment Fund contributed to the transformation of the media industry in the Republic and (b) what percentage of the total number of investments in the IDC have been made to black companies, compared to white companies?
- Question 987 – How has the National Lottery Commission been allowed to continue usage of Cheadle Thompson and Haysom (CTH) despite court rulings against the contract and the ethical obligation for black participation in procurement of legal services by the NLC?
- Question 975 – What is the (a) total number of staff employed and/or provided as Ministerial support in (i) his and (ii) the Deputy Minister’s private offices and (b)(i) job title, (ii) annual remuneration package and (iii) highest level of academic qualification of each specified member of staff?
- Question 943 – With reference to the media statement released on 7 September 2024 by his department mentioning the filling of vacancies across the entities that report to him from 13 September 2024, what measures has his department put in place to ensure that the (a) recruitment process will attract qualified and capable candidates particularly those aligned with the department’s vision of transformation and industrialisation and (b) appointments foster diversity and inclusion within leadership roles across these entities;
- Question 914 – Whether he will furnish Mr H C C Krüger with a list of (a) industrial parks (i) in the Republic and (ii) per province, (b) owners of each park, (c) status of operations and economic activity, (d) number of businesses operating in each park, including small-, medium- and micro enterprises, (e) records of maintenance and refurbishment and (f) details and number of tenancy agreements with businesses in each park; if not, why not; if so, what are the further, relevant details?
- Question 912 – Whether he will furnish Mr R W T Chance with a list of the merger applications to the Competition Commission from 1 January 2015 to 1 August 2024, including (a) application dates, (b) outcomes of each application, (c) size of each transaction, (d) conditions imposed on approved mergers and (e) reasons for rejection of each application for a merger; if not, in each case, what is the position; if so, what are the further relevant details in each case?
- Question 911 – What (a) are the full details of the (i) names and (ii) location of all Special Economic Zones that offer a reduced income tax rate, (b) total number of companies utilised the benefit (i) in the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2024, and (c) is the value of the tax discount in each specified year
- Question 895 – What (a) is the current accreditation status of the SA Bureau of Standards’ (SABS) cement certification laboratories and (b)(i) steps does the SABS take to regain accreditation once it has been lost, (ii) period is it expected to take and (iii) is the cost?
- Question 894 – What is (a) the current status of the tender process to appoint a vendor for the development of the Certification Information Management System of the SA Bureau of Standards, (b) the total amount that has been spent on the development of the system from initiation to date and (c) is the reason and justification for the tender being for the development of a custom-designed system rather than to purchase an off-the-shelf system?
- Question 769 – What (a) total number of online gambling companies operating in the Republic are licenced and (b) is the (i) breakdown of such companies in each province and (ii) name of the company in each case;
- Question 712 – What (a) total amount has been granted to investors under the Automotive Investment Scheme since its inception and (b) are the relevant details of the (i) names of the beneficiaries, (ii) total amount in investments made by each specified beneficiary, (iii) size of benefits granted to each beneficiary, (iv) dates of approvals and (v) locations of investment beneficiaries?
- Question 711 – Whether, with reference to the assessment of progress toward impact and reciprocal commitment studies in strategic sectors that was included in the 2023-24 Annual Performance Plan of the International Trade Administration Commission of South Africa, he will furnish Mr M M Mdluli with a list of (a) all reciprocal agreements signed, by investigation, including copies of the agreements, (b) agreements under negotiation, including which (i) companies and (ii) tariffs, (c) all the reciprocal agreements in place and (d) reciprocal studies being conducted; if not, why not; if so, on what date?
- Question 706 – What steps is the SA Bureau of Standards taking to (a) repair the collapsing roofs and flooded areas at its Pretoria campus, in particular the heating, ventilation and air conditioning room in Block A and (b) repair or replace the damaged fridges at its Rosebank offices in Cape Town, which have led to complaints of offending odours from neighbouring residents since May 2024?
- Question 705 – Whether he will furnish Mr R W T Chance with a list of companies that are beneficiaries of funding through the (a) National Empowerment Fund and (b) Black Industrialists Fund in the (i) past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2024 to 31 July 2024; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what were the monetary values given in government (aa) grants, (bb) loans and (cc) equity in each case?
- Question 704 – Whether he will furnish Mr R W T Chance with a list of the delinquent beneficiaries of the National Lotteries Commission dating back to 2016; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Annexure A – Non- Compliant Grant Listing Submission 2024
- Annexure B – Deliquency Listing 2016-2022
- Question 540 – Whether he has been informed that Taiwan, officially the Republic of China, is eager to hold talks with the government and return to the Eastern Cape to reopen closed factories in the poor areas where it previously invested; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what steps does he intend to take in this regard;
- NCOP Question 534 – (a) What interventions have been made to address the lack of inspectors in local shops and (b) what are the relevant details in this regard?
- Question 510 – What is the total amount that the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) has spent on (a) (i) legal fees and (ii) consultants for seeking legal advice and legal opinions against the (aa) media, (bb) politicians and/or political parties and (cc) staff members and (b) litigation from 1 April 2020 to date, and (c) each specified legal firm employed by the NLC in each case?
- Question 509 – Whether he will furnish Mr. R W T Chance with (a) a list of companies that are beneficiaries of funding through the (i) National Empowerment Fund and (ii) Black Industrialists Fund (aa) since 2019-20 financial year and (bb) from 1 April 2024 to 31 July 2024; If not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details.
- Question 506 – Whether he and his department have reviewed the cost-benefit of the Health Promotion Levy since its implementation (details furnished); if not, why not; if so,
- NCOP Question 468 – Whether, with reference to the Special Economic Zone Argo-processing value chain, there are any alignments of trade policies with our neighbouring countries to ensure the free flow of produce; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- NCOP Question 420 – Whether any well-resourced and integrated support plans have been drawn up for (a) small-, medium- and macro-enterprises and (b) small holder farmers to participate in the Special Economic Zone agro-processing value chain; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
- NCOP Question 419 – Whether, with reference to the establishment of the Nkomazi Special Economic Zone, the Nkomazi Local Municipality is able to provide the necessary bulk infrastructure regarding water, electricity and sewerage; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- NCOP Question 361 – Whether the Land Availability Agreement with the assistance of the National Project Management Unit (PMU) has been (a) signed and (b) secured; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details;
- NCOP Question 360 – Whether, with reference to the establishment of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Nkomazi, (a) the Right of Way Servitude and (b) Water Use Licence that is subject to detailed engineering designs have been obtained from the private owner; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- NCOP Question 359 – (1)(a) What steps have been taken to ensure that Special Economic Zones in Nkomazi in Mpumalanga are established, (b) when and (c) what budget has been determined for this project;
- Question 354 – What is the total (a) number of officials from his department who attended the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and (b) breakdown of the cost incurred in each case?
- Question 325 – What total amount has the National Lotteries Commission spent on (a) lawyers and consultants’ fees to seek legal advice and opinions against the media, politicians and/or political parties and staff members and (b) litigation from 1 April 2019 to date?
- NCOP Question 307 – (a) How many of the 26 industrial parks have been (i) revitalised and (ii) in reconstruction phase, (b) what measures are in place to address the Industrial Development Zones that are in distress and (c) which provinces have (i) distressed parks, (ii) revitalised parks and (iii) industrial parks that are in reconstruction phase;
- NCOP Question 306 – Whether he and his department will provide the Select Committee with (a) timely, (b) credible reporting and/or (c) accountability on a quarterly basis for the (i) National Lotteries Commission (NLC) and (ii) National Regulator Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) for the duration of the current government administration; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- NCOP Question 305 – What have been the material irregularities that the Auditor-General identified in the (a) National Lotteries Commission (NLC) and (b) National Regulator Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) for the 2023/24 financial year; [Annexure A]
- Question 299 – How has the Competition Commission dealt with the matter of a certain bus company (name furnished) relating to potential breach of the Competition Act, Act 89 of 1998, due to alleged (a) restrictive horizontal practices, such as price fixing and market division, (b) restrictive vertical practices, such as exclusive supply agreements and minimum retail pricing and (c) abuse of dominance, such as excessive pricing and refusal to supply, where there breaches of the specified Act?
- Question 298 – Whether, given anticompetitive behaviour of certain taxi companies, which often takes the form of violence and intimidation to gain and protect market share, what are the details of the actions that (a) his department and (b) the Competition Commission, in particular, have taken to address the anticompetitive behaviour of the taxi companies; (2)(a) which taxi companies have been investigated by the Competition Commission and (b) what were the outcomes of the specified investigations?
- Question 297 – What (a) are the names of all the (i) subsidiaries, (ii) companies and (iii) investment holdings that received loans from the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Ltd (IDC) in the past five years and are now in business rescue and/or liquidation and (b) is the value at risk for the IDC in this regard?
- Question 296 – Whether he will furnish Mr R W T Chance with a copy of the investigative report/s of the investigation into the affairs of the Competition Commission that stemmed from the Competition Commission’s rising expenditures in the period between the 2013-14 and the 2017-18 financial years, increasing deficits, adverse findings by the Auditor-General of irregular expenditure and resultant concerns by the National Treasury, which was completed and shared with the National Treasury in December 2020; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- NCOP Question 285 – When will a reply to Question 60 that was published on Friday, 2 August 2024 be provided?
- Question 282 – Whether he will furnish Mr. R W T Chance with (a) a list of companies that are beneficiaries of funding through the (i) National Empowerment Fund and (ii) Black Industrialists Fund (aa) since 2019-20 financial year and (bb) from 1 April 2024 to 31 July 2024; If not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details.
- NCOP Question 280 – With reference to the audit reports by the Auditor General, (a) why the (i) National Lotteries Commission (NLC) and (ii) National Regulator Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) received qualified audit reports with findings for the (i) 2020/21, (ii) 2021/22, (iii) 2022/23 and (iv) 2023/24 financial years, (b) what were the root causes for them to receive such audit outcomes, (c) what steps have been taken to rectify such outcomes and (d) what time frames have been attached in this regard;
- NCOP Question 279 – (a) Which (i) agricultural and (ii) agro-processing value chain sectors benefitted through the National Empowerment Fund, (b) what amount each sector received for the (i) 2022/23 and (ii) 2023/24 financial years, (c) how many jobs were created in each of the sectors for the said financial years and (d) what was the return on investment in comparison with the actual disbursement for each of the sectors in each province?
- NCOP Question 278 – (a) How many entities have been supported under the Township and Rural Entrepreneurship Programme through the National Empowerment Fund in each case in each province, (b) what amounts were disbursed to each entity, (c) which sectors benefited during the (i) 2022/23 and (ii) 2023/24 financial years and (d) how many jobs were created in each of the sectors in the said financial years.
- Question 257 – Whether, in light of the Republic being the first nation to have taken Israel to the International Court of Justice for genocide against Palestine, his department will head the mounting calls from social justice activists to stop trading coal with Israel; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details;
- NCOP Question 245 – (a) What measures have been taken to (i) support and (ii) develop small-scale industries in the township areas, (b) what (i) incentives and/or (ii) support programmes are available to entrepreneurs in such regions to encourage local manufacturing and (c) how is his department ensuring that such businesses are sustainable and competitive?
- NCOP Question 244 – (a) What (i) strategies and/or (ii) policies has he implemented to promote industrialisation in the rural and township areas, particularly in the informal communities and (b) what are the details regarding any (i) ongoing and (ii) planned projects that are aimed at transforming such areas into economic hubs that could create jobs and reduce poverty?
- NCOP Question 174 – What policies are in place to assist South African manufacturers to retain some of the mineral wealth in the country for (a) processing and (b) exporting as the country’s mineral resources are being exported to international destinations for processing and imported back to the country?
- NCOP Question 158 – What was the initial monetary injection that was provided by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) of South Africa to the Beijing Automotive International Corporation (BAIC) manufacturing plant at Coega Special Economic Zone;
- NCOP Question 148 – What initiatives is his department undertaking to advocate for a unified trade rate for key African minerals such as gold, diamonds, platinum and oil in order to enhance intra-African trade relations, (b) how is his department supporting the promotion of African-manufactured products such as black soap, cocoa, shea butter and traditional fabrics within international trade agreements and regional partnerships and (c) what strategies are in place to ensure that such efforts will strengthen economic relations among African nations and reduce reliance on external markets?
- Question 106 – What (a)(i) total number of applications were received in each (aa) province and (bb) sector in the past five financial years and (ii) number of grantees and/or beneficiaries were funded and (iii) amount of funds were paid to each of the specified grantees and/or beneficiaries and (b) are their names?
- NCOP Question 104 – When will he invite and/or join the person in whose name the question stands for an oversight at Beijing Automotive Industry Corporation (BAIC) in Port Elizabeth as he made an undertaking to the National Council of Provinces in the Policy debate on Budget Vote 39: Trade, Industry and Competition on 25 May 2023;
- Question 90 – What (a) total number of grantees and/or beneficiaries were funded through research-based funding in the past five financial years, (b) amount was paid to each grantee and/or beneficiary and (c) are the names of the specified grantees and/or beneficiaries?
- Question 89 – What total number of members of Distributing Agencies have been appointed on a full-time basis at the National Lottery Commission in terms of the Lotteries Act, Act 57 of 1997, since April 2022 and (b) on what date was each member appointed;
- Question 88 – Whether he will furnish Mr D D D van Rooyen with the (a) audit outcomes and (b) management reports of (i) his department and (ii) the entities that report to him for the past three financial years; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 87 – With reference to the Board positions that have remained vacant for extended periods in the entities that report to her, what is the status of the appointment of Board members for each of the specified entities?
- NCOP Question 60 – (a) How many inter-provincial industrial parks in Gauteng are part of the (i) provincial and (ii) national parks and (b) when last was an audit conducted on the (i) budget and (ii) actual on-the-ground expenditure for such industrial parks;
- NCOP Question 44 – With reference to his department’s responsibilities of fostering industrial development, supporting business growth and promoting economic transformation, (a) why is there a continued absence of policies to uplift impoverished communities and (b) why he has not implemented any policies to support the development of manufacturing industries in the informal settlement communities across the country?
Parliament 6th Administration
- Question 842 – What (a) total number of times has the SA Bureau of Standards appointed a service provider to appoint a Chief Executive Officer and (b) has been the total cost of the consulting fees to date?
- Question 841 – What is the total capital expenditure allocated for the 2025 medium-term budget for the SA Bureau of Standards;
- Question 786 – What number of roles (a) are currently vacant since the restructuring of the SA Bureau of Standards and (b) will be advertised in the next six months?
- Question 785 – What (a) number of overseas trips did the Accounting Officer of the National Gambling Board (NGB) undertake that the NGB paid for, (b) what was the destination of each trip and (c) was the total cost to the NGB for each trip?
- Question 784 – (a) What is the total number of positions at executive level at the National Gambling Board that have been offered as (i) contract and (ii) permanent positions and (b) which of the positions were (i) on contract and (ii) permanent positions from 1 January 2023 to 29 February 2024;
- Question 722 – Whether he will furnish Mr T A Le Goff with a (a) list and (b) full description of all events planned by his department to take place before 29 May 2024 in celebration of the 30 years of democracy in the Republic, including the (i) projected total cost or expenditure of each event and (ii) breakdown thereof in terms of expenditure for (aa) catering, (bb) entertainment, (cc) venue hire, (dd) transport and (ee) accommodation; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 682 – With reference to the Energy One Stop Shop for independent power producers, what is the latest update on the (a) status of the operation and (b) progress made to date;
- Question 612 – With reference to his reply to question 97 on 24 February 2023, what are the details of the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) date of purchase and (e) purchase price of all the official vehicles purchased for (i) him and (ii) each Deputy Minister since 8 May 2019?
- Question 575 – Whether any (a) performance bonuses and (b) salary increases were awarded to the Chief Executive Officer of the National Gambling Board (NGB), who is also the Chief Strategic Advisor of the NGB, in any of the past ten financial years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) what was the total amount awarded, (ii) in what financial year was the bonus and/or salary increase awarded, (iii) who approved the bonus and/or salary increase and (iv) upon what criteria was the bonus and/or salary increase awarded?
- Question 574 – With regard to the National Gambling Board and since the appointment of the Chief Strategic Advisor (CSA) and Accounting Officer, Ms Caroline Kongwa, over a decade ago, what (a) are the reasons that (i) a new board has not been established and (ii) a new Chief Executive Officer not appointed and (b) is the total salary of the current CSA and Accounting Officer per annum?
- Question 573 – Whether, he has found any investigation that is currently or was previously undertaken by the Office of the Public Protector to determine the legality of the decision to appoint a staff member of his department as an accounting officer to oversee administration at the National Gambling Board; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details of the investigation?
- Question 450 – Whether the transaction by the National Gambling Board to purchase the property at 1085 Frances Baard Street, Hatfield, has been finalised; if not; what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what date was the transaction concluded and (b) what was the cost of the building;
- Question 351 – What are the full details of all (a) sponsorships, (b) donations and (c) financial transfers provided for lawfare and/or any other purposes to (i) him, (ii) his department and (iii) officials of his department by any (aa) Qatari, (bb) Iranian and/or (cc) Russian organ of state, organisation and/or resident since 1 January 2021 up to the latest date in 2024 for which information is available?
- Question 321 – (1) Whether, considering the participation of the delegation of the Republic in the World Economic Forum (WEF) 2024 that took place in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, from 15 to 19 January 2024, his department bore the financial responsibility for the expenses of its representatives in terms of (a) accommodation, (b) air travel, (c) ground transportation and (d) any other ancillary expenses, if so, what are the relevant details in terms of the (i) total cost and (ii) breakdown thereof, if not
- Question 306 – What were the outcomes of the eight disciplinary referrals made by the Special Investigating Unit to the National Lottery Commission against their own employees?
- Question 294 – (a) What are the reasons that there has been a delay in tabling a resolution for the accession of the Republic to the Marrakesh VIP Treaty and (b) how does the delay align with the commitment to uphold the rights of the visually impaired?
- Question 237 – What (a) is the current total number of black industrialists who have benefited from the industrialist programme and (b) total amount has been disbursed by his department in this regard?
- Question 236 – Whether, based on the recent past experience, he has found that the manufacturing sector in the Republic would benefit from an industrial policy that linked small business development with industrial development and competition; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what steps has he taken to achieve this?
- Question 221 – What (a) is the progress with the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement and (b) are the relevant details of the number of domestic enterprises that are trading through the AfCFTA?
- Question 217 – Whether the Government had created or is in the process of creating a retrofitting ecosystem for transitioning from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EVs) through the development of (a) a white paper and strategic frameworks, (b) tax breaks and (c) subsidies and/or grants for converting ICE vehicles to EVs, thereby (i) establishing safety standards for retrofitting processes, (ii) working closely with component manufacturers, (iii) encouraging partnerships to develop cost-effective retrofit kits, (iv) promoting retrofitting technologies and (v) collaborating with universities and research institutions; if not, why not; if so, what ecosystem is being created;
- Question 216 – Whether, in view of the fact that major importers of South African manufactured vehicles, such as the United Kingdom and Europe, will no longer allow the importation of internal combustion engine vehicles by 2030, and that funders, including banks, are ready right now to support the transition to electric vehicles (EVs), and considering that Morocco is stepping into the EV arena with plans for an African-designed EV set to debut in 2026, the Government has been galvanised into action to get manufacturers to modify their manufacturing plants for hybrid and EV production as swiftly as possible; if not, why not; if so, what steps has the Government taken to remain ahead of the curve;
- Question 54 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 4227 on 2 January 2024, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a
(a) full list of companies under each of the investment sectors listed in Table 1 and
(b) breakdown of each company, split by debt or Equity, for each investment sector? - NCOP Question 47 – Whether, in view of the three properties that are bonded to and on the asset register of the Industrial Development Corporation which were previously owned by the now insolvent and deceased estate of a certain company (details furnished), any steps are being taken to (a) safeguard such properties from vandalism and value decreases (b) sell such properties to prevent further losses and (c) prevent criminal activities against neighbouring properties that are perpetrated by occupants of such properties; if not, why not in each case; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 22 – What measures has his department put in place to ensure that logistical woes, such as operational challenges and equipment failures at ports, do not impede the ability of the Republic to trade and export products, as was the case across three provinces in 2023?
- Question 4227 – Whether he will provide Mr M J Cuthbert with a full list of the current investment portfolio of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC); if not, why not; if so, what is the
a. Size of the investment in each case,
b. Nature and/or classification of the IDC investment instrument in terms of debt, equity, or any other classification and
c. In which sector do the companies in which the IDC invested operate? - Question 4221 – Since Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone is the first special economic zone in the Republic to include a commercial port, what additional incentives will be given to investors that specifically invest in (a) oil and gas and (b) marine repair and engineering?
- Question 4220 – What (a) is the current financial status of the Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone (SBIDZ) and (b) total budget will be allocated to the SBIDZ in the 2024-25 financial year to promote investment in green energy to enhance sustainable energy, excluding the mooted collaboration or deal with a certain company (name furnished)?
- Question 4219 – Whether, with the reference to the 5-year tax rebate offered to businesses that invested in the Saldanha Bay Industrial Development Zone (SBIDZ) to cushion them from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, he will consider extending the tax rebate period with at least another two years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 4218 – What total number of (a) local companies closed down as a result of the ban of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and (b) businesses that are backed by the Industrial Development Corporation have shown growth as a direct result of the ban?
- Question 4217 – What (a) total number of business loans were issued by the Industrial Development Corporation in the past five financial years, (b) was the total monetary value of the loans, (c) total number of the loans were issued to (i) majority BEE owned, (ii) majority female owned and (iii) non-South African companies and (d) total number of specified companies failed in their (i) first, (ii) second, (iii) third, (iv) fourth and (v) and fifth year of operation?
- Question 4212 – Whether he has found that the ideology of the Government’s appointment of cadres from a certain political party (details furnished) and the policy of preferential procurement was responsible for the deindustrialisation, unemployment, inequality and corruption that has been serious failures in Government policy; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so,
- Question 4206 – Whether the National Empowerment Fund paid for the Chief Executive Officer to be in France during the September and October months; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 4095 -(a) For what period has the position of Director-General in the Department of Trade and Industry been vacant and (b) what are the reasons for the delay in filling the position;
- Question 4079 – Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a list of special economic zones that offer a reduced income tax rate; if not, why not; if so, what (a) total number of companies have utilised the specified benefit in the (i) 2021-22 and (ii) 2022-23 financial years and (b) is the corresponding value of the tax discount for each specified financial year?
- Question 3953 – Whether (a) he, (b) the Deputy Minister and (c) any other official in his department attended the Rugby World Cup final in France in October 2023; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (i) are the relevant details of each person in his department who attended the Rugby World Cup, (ii) is the total number of such persons and (iii) were the total costs of (aa) travel, (bb) accommodation and (cc) any other related costs that were incurred by his department as a result of the trip(s)?
- Question 3785 – With reference to the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) and its impact on the small business sector in the Republic, what are the details of the (a) total number of small businesses currently integrated into the AGOA value chain, (b) total number of jobs created in the small business sector as a direct result of participation in the AGOA value chain and (c) quantifiable impact the involvement has had on our Republic’s economic growth?. Annex PQ 3785 – 2023/09/26. AGOA Presentation Joint Committee
- Question 3778 – What (a) total number of the Standards, Quality Assurance, Accreditation, and Metrology institutions that report to him have Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) that have been appointed on a full-time contract or on a full-time basis, (b) number of the specified institutions have acting CEOs and (c) are the reasons for an acting CEO being in the position;
- Question 3658 – Whether the National Empowerment Fund paid for any employee of his department to travel to France during the months of September and October 2023; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what is the name of the employee, (b) on what dates did the employee travel and (c) what was the (i) purpose and (ii) total cost of the trip?
- Question 3418 – With regard to the expenditure on the trip to the United States of America by him and Mr Sydney Mufamadi, (a) from which programme and/or programmes were the specified funds appropriated in respect of all those on the trip and (b) on whose authority was the appropriation made?
- Question 3349 – With regard to the expenditure on the trip to the United States by him and Mr Sydney Mufamadi, (a) what is the itemised cost breakdown of the trip, including the cost of (i) hotels, (ii) airfares, (iii) class of travel per staff member, official and executive, (iv) local transportation and (v) other relevant receipts or claims; (b) what was the per-diem amounts paid to staff members for (i) food and drink and (ii) other entertainment expenses?
- Question 3341 – Whether, in light of the alleged brutal and indiscriminate killing of Palestinian persons in Gaza by the Israeli regime, the Government intends to review its trade relations with the State of Israel; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 3302 – With regard to the upcoming African Growth and Opportunity Act Summit to be held in the Republic in November 2023, what are the details of the position of the Government regarding the quotas on the various products as contained in the Act?
- Question 3298 – Considering that the top exportable products of the Republic are largely perishable items which include grapes, maize, apples, apricots, peaches, sugar and soya beans, according to his records, how does load shedding and the unstable supply of electricity affect products awaiting exportation?
- Question 3297 – Whether, following his joint statement with the United States Trade Representative, Ms Katherine Tai, and in light of the fact that the Republic will host the African Growth and Opportunity Act forum in November 2023, to what extent has he found that the relations between the Republic and Russia have affected the extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act with the United States of America (US), especially in view of concerns that have been raised by US policymakers?
- Question 3290 – What has been the relevant details and importance to the economy of the Republic regarding the recent tariffs placed on the importation of chicken (details furnished)?
- Question 3024 – What total number of months did (a) an import duty investigation take pre COVID-19 from the day the investigation was published for public comment to when the SA Revenue Service either changed the duties or the application was rejected and (b) it take in the 2022-23 financial year;
- Question 3099 – Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a (a) list of all (i) trade policies and (ii) industrial policies that have been tabled in the National Assembly and/or made public by the Government and (b) copy of each of the specified policies; if not, why not; if so, in each case, what (aa) is the title of the document, (bb) year was it drafted and (cc) year was it adopted for all the specified policies in the period 1 January 1995 to the latest specified date for which information is available?
- Question 3098 – What (a) was the quantum of the budget allocated to the Ekandustria Revitalisation Programme in the (i) 2019-20, (ii) 2020-21, (iii) 2021-22 and (iv) 2022-23 financial years, (b) phases and deliverables were completed in each financial year and (c) further phases and deliverables are planned beyond the 2023-24 financial year?
- Question 3010 – What total amount did the Industrial Development Corporation invest in each specified copper smelting company through debt and equity in the past three financial years;
- Question 2954 – Given that the 6th Administration has been in the Executive since 2019, (a) on what dates were performance agreements for (i) him and (ii) his Deputy Ministers concluded and (b) what are the relevant details of how each specified performance agreement was performed?
- Question 2766 -Whether he will disclose the beneficial owner registries and audited financial statements of mining companies and their subsidiaries publicly; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 2758 – (a) What total amount did (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him pay for printed copies of the integrated annual reports in the (aa) 2020-21, (bb) 2021-22 and (cc) 2022-23 financial years, (b) who were the suppliers in each case and (c) what total number of copies of the report were printed (i) in each case and (ii) in each specified financial year?
- Question 2727 – Whether he will relook the Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME) thresholds, considering that the Rand/Euro exchange has nearly doubled since the criteria were first launched and that could have bearing on companies considered as Micro enterprises being able to qualify for an EME affidavit; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 2726 – In terms of the full-term trade figures for the past full year, what are the details of the (a) top 10 countries that the Republic (i) exported to and (ii) imported from and (b) supply value of the (i) export and (ii) import trade?
- Question 2655 – What steps is his department taking to encourage high-net-worth individuals from foreign countries to live, work and invest in the Republic and thereby stimulate economic growth and job creation.
- Question 2637 – What steps of intervention did the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) take to investigate the reported conflict of interests between the Recording Industry of South Africa (RISA) and SA Music Performance Rights Association (SAMPRA), as an accredited collecting society, around the sponsorship of a category at the 2016 edition of the SA Music Awards (SAMA) given that the SAMPRA and RISA chairman happened to be the same person;
- Question 2106 – Noting that the Competition Commission released their report on measuring the levels of concentration in the South African economy in November 2021, wherein it was recommended that considering the financial constraints of the Government in funding small-, medium- and microenterprises, the Government should ensure that the private sector financial institutions close that gap and fund small businesses owned by previously disadvantaged individuals, particularly those in the agro-processing and manufacturing sectors, what measures has his department adopted to date to ensure the implementation of the specified recommendation?
- Question 1863 – What number of missions does the Republic have around the world and (b) of those missions, what number have trade attachés and/or commissioners?
- Question 1862 – (1) What (a) is the name of each of the top 10 countries that the Republic imported goods from in the period 1 January 2023 to 31 March 2023 and (b) were the trade values to each country in the specified period; (2) what is the name of each of the top 10 countries that the Republic exported goods to in the period 1 January 2023 to 31 March 2023 and (b) what were the trade values to each specified country in the specified period?
- Question 1746 – What (a) South African companies are involved in the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) that seeks to build intra-African infrastructure that will assist in the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement and (b) projects are prioritised by the PIDA programme to advance the slow growth of the internet provisions in the African continent?
- Question 1745 – Whether the Government intends to renew the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), considering how trade under the AGOA agreement has gone back to figures that were seen before it was signed, meaning that the AGOA agreement has ceased to be beneficial to the Republic and most of its African partners of the agreement; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the reasons?
- Question 1711 – Whether he will furnish Mr S Ngcobo with a comprehensive breakdown of the procurement allocation of (a) his department and (b) every entity reporting to him in terms of the percentages allocated to (i) small-, medium- and micro-enterprises, (ii) cooperatives, (iii) township enterprises and (iv) rural enterprises with a view to evaluating the effectiveness of the set-aside policy of the Government in fostering an inclusive and diverse economic landscape (details furnished) in the (aa) 2021-22 financial year and (bb) since 1 April 2023?
- Question 1663 – (a) What total amount did the National Lotteries Commission pay for printed copies of its integrated annual reports for (i) 2020, (ii) 2021 and (iii) 2022, (b) who were the suppliers, (c) what total amount were they paid, (d) what total number of copies of the relevant report was printed in each specified year, (e) how were the reports distributed and (f) to whom?
- Question 1525 – On what date is it envisaged that the Republic will introduce pre-grant patent opposition procedures to avoid broad patent claims?
- Question 1524 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 277 on 8 March 2023, he has found that the (a) Protocol on Intellectual Property Rights, which was formally reported at the African Union Assembly during February 2023 and (b) final agreement reached at the World Trade Organisation on waivers and flexibilities relating to pandemic use of patented vaccines had an impact on the Draft Patents Bill; if not, what is the position in each case; if so, in what way will the specified instruments have an impact on the Bill?
- Question 1523 – What are the reasons that the Draft Patents Amendment Bill, which is vital to pandemic readiness, access to medicines and to local manufacturing, has repeatedly been delayed;
- Question 1128 – Whether, following reports that his department has stated that an energy one-stop shop to speed up the regulatory processes required for private investment in electricity generation has been established and is being managed by Invests A, he will furnish Inkosi B N Luthuli with the relevant details on the date by which business is expected to see potential results from the one-stop shop; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 1125 – Whether he will consider calling for the establishment of a World Trade Organisation panel to adjudicate on the consultations between the Republic and the European Union on the new False Coddling Moth regulations governing the exporting of oranges to the region which have not made any progress; if not, why not; if so, by what date will he take the action step?
- Question 584 – Considering the position of the Republic on the Russian invasion of Ukraine and its stated support of Palestine against Israel, what contingency steps has his department taken since the unfortunate recent turn of events in the Middle East, to ensure confidence and to eradicate any resistance of the United States of America (USA) to the early extension of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA) after 2025, which will be requested by the Government during the 2023 AGOA Forum to be hosted by the Republic from 2 to 4 November 2023 in Johannesburg?
- Question 574 – What (a) steps has his department taken regarding the high prices of air travel in the Republic, particularly during the latest school holiday where the price of a one-way flight from Durban to Johannesburg was more than R3 000 and (b) measures has his department put in place to prevent the existing airlines from exploiting travelers?
- Question 562 – Considering that one of the programmes of his department on industrial finance sought to improve accessibility to industrial finance to support investment in priority sectors, what total number of (a) enterprises has his department provided support to and (b) jobs has the specified programme facilitated?
- Question 475 – What (a) is the salary of each (i) chief executive officer and (ii) top executive position in each state-owned entity reporting to him and (b) total amount does each get paid to attend a meeting?
- Oral Question 292 – Whether his department has put any measures in place to mitigate the dire situation faced
by the South African consumers, as indicated by Statistics South Africa that even though the annual consumer inflation in April slowed down, marking the lowest reading since May 2022, food prices remain obstinately high, and that the economy and employment rate in the Republic leave much to be desired; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? - Oral Question 269 – What conclusions did he arrive at from the data of Eskom, Transnet, Telkom and local
government to issue a call for an extension on the scrap metal ban, as published in
Government Gazette 48598 on 15 May 2023? - Question 207 -What are the details of the (a) destination and (b) total costs for (i) accommodation, (ii) travel and (iii) any other costs incurred for international travel of each (aa) Minister and (bb) Deputy Ministers of his department since 1 June 2019;
- Question 197 – What (a) are the full and relevant details of goods that are legislated to be sourced and/or purchased from local producers and (b) measures has he put in place to ensure that the production of the specified goods is spread across the different districts in the Republic;
- Question 97 – What are the details of the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) cost and (e) purchase date of all the official vehicles purchased for (i) him, (ii) the former Minister, (iii) the Deputy Ministers and the (iv) former Deputy Ministers of his department since 1 June 2019?
- Question 77 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 2269 on 4 October 2021 and his speech in his Budget Vote on 20 May 2022, the Draft Patents Amendment Bill, which will have a far-reaching impact on the Republic’s pandemic readiness and the local manufacturing of medicines, therapeutics and diagnostics, was submitted to Cabinet for consideration by October 2022 as announced; if not, (a) why not, (b) on what date will it be submitted to Cabinet and (c) on what date will the Cabinet consideration process be completed; if so, on what date was it submitted;
- Question 63 – Whether his department has crafted appropriate ways to designate sugar and sugar-containing products under the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act Regulations for all procurement by Government and state-owned entities as stated in commitment one of the Sugarcane Value Chain Master Plan to 2030; if not, why not, if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 4717 – Whether he has found that the department’s proposal to ban trade in scrap metal in efforts to counter the effects and damage in public infrastructure would not affect the Republic’s attempts to transform towards a dynamic industrial and globally competitive economy and restrict the Republic’s participation in the global economy to strengthen economic development and promote competition; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 4686 – Whether he will furnish Mr M Tshwaku with a comprehensive list of the (a) volume and (b) value of the products that the Republic (i) imports from Israel and (ii) exports to Israel; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 4602 – On what date was the final advertisement placed for applications for members of the Board of the SA Bureau of Standards;
- Question 4498 – Which (a) products, (b) services and (c) sectors and/or subsectors are currently considered for designation under the Preferential Procurement Regulations;
- Question 4414 – What is the (a) total number of staff employed and/or provided as departmental support in (i) his and (ii) each of the Deputy Ministers’ private offices and (b)(i) job title and (ii) annual remuneration package of each specified person?
- Question 4114 – What are the full details of economic data and/or evidence that he can provide to prove that foreign direct investment in the Republic has had a direct proportional relationship with (a) economic growth and (b) job creation (i) in the 2021 22 financial year and (ii) since 1 April 2022?
- Question 4097 – With reference to the many corruption cases which have been closed for various reasons including the inability to locate key witnesses, what key strategies has his department put in place to have perpetrators brought to book in order to discourage continued widespread corruption in his department?
- Question 3952 – Whether, with regard to communications, media and marketing services contracts of the National Lottery Commission in the past three financial years, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with (a) a list of service providers, (b) the nature of services provided, (c) the date when services were provided and (d) the total monetary value of each contract;
- Question 3950 – Whether, with reference to the comment made by Mr Paul Mashatile in The Sunday Times on 9 October 2022, that to date eight of the masterplans have been approved by social partners and are in the stage of implementation, already delivering impressive results through sectoral growth, employment creation and expanding economic opportunity for previously excluded designated groups, his department, which is responsible for co-ordinating industry master plans, supplied Mr Paul Mashatile with the necessary empirical evidence to support the claim that the specified master plans are delivering impressive results; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, will he furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with the evidence?
- Question 3929 – Whether he has found that the Republic, through its industrial policy, is going backwards and de-industrialising; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 3890 – With regard to his department’s mandate to promote a dynamic industrial and globally competitive economy, what proactive action has his department taken to ensure that the Republic continues to positively participate in the global economy amidst looming grey list status and the high inflation rates which have had a negative impact on consumers?
- Question 3589 – How does his department intend to ensure that the R300 million debt fund, known as the SMME Crisis Partnership Fund, launched by the Gauteng provincial government, the Industrial Development Corporation and the SA SME Fund is protected against (a) corruption and (b) wasteful expenditure?
- Question 3587 – Whether any trade agreements were signed and/or agreed to at the 9th session of the South Africa-Saudi Arabia Joint Economic Commission; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 3586 -What are the relevant details of the update on (a) gains and (b) challenges experienced by the One Stop Shop by InvestSA.
- Question 3388 – (a) What are the reasons that the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) took so long to process the funding application of the Appetite Land and Agri company, as the offer to purchase has now expired and there seems to be reluctance by the seller to renew it, (b) how will his department intervene in this regard, (c) what measures will his department put in place to compensate the specified company when the seller refuses completely due to the delay, as it can be viewed as a lost opportunity by the company due to NEF incompetence and (d) who is the NEF fund manager responsible for the account?
- Question 3331 – Given that he has been in office for more than a year, what number of formal businesses and start-up companies, whose primary business operandi involve technologies related to mobile connectivity, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, machine-to-machine communication and the internet of things which make use of machines to optimise efficient manufacturing and the production of goods in the small, medium and micro enterprises sector have been registered in the past two financial years?
- Question 3330 – Given that the contribution of the small, medium and micro enterprises (SMME) sector to the national gross domestic product is 34%, what is the share contributed by each industry to the total value added by the SMME sector?
- Question 3255 – With reference to the programme that supports the InvestSA unit, which has been allocated a budget and has set targets for each year, (a) what are the reasons that reports are based on key performance targets instead of tangible service delivery targets such as job creation, (b)(i) who generates the reports and (ii) at what cost for each report and (c) what total number of compiled reports have actually translated into (i) a tangible service delivered and (ii) real projects that created jobs of the investment pledged?
- Question 3196 – On what date did he attend the last meeting of any structure outside the Government in order to receive recommendations on the deployment of personnel in his department and/or entities reporting to him;
- Question 3179 – What specific socio-economic metrics does the Government use to assess whether the policy of broad-based black economic empowerment has been successful since it was introduced 19 years ago;
- Question 3114 – what are the relevant details of the (a)(i) types and (ii) total tonnage of fertilisers being produced at the Foskor mine in the past 10 years and (b) full capacity of the production of each of the fertilisers;
- Question 3093 – Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with copies of all of the public submissions received by his department through the public participation process for the Draft Policy Proposals On Measures to Restrict and Regulate Trade in Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals Waste, Scrap and Semi-Finished Products to Limit Damage to Infrastructure and the Economy; if not, why not; if so, on what date;
- Question 3086 – Whether, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a list of legal service providers who have rendered legal services on a consultancy and/or other basis to the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) since the 2021-22 financial year; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 3085 – Whether, with reference to the legal expenses of the National Lottery Commission (NLC) regarding litigation involving service providers since 1 March 2021, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a list of the (a) various parties litigated against and (b) legal fees for litigation involving current and/or former NLC staff; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 3013 – Whether he and/or his department submitted a policy review document and/or any other government policy document to structures outside of the Government, either to private and/or external structures or structures of any political affiliation during the past five years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) will he furnish Dr N V Khumalo with copies of all such documents and (b) what are the reasons that the Government documents were provided to each structure?
- Question 2927 – With reference to the European Union’s claims that the Republic’s temporary ban on the export of scrap metal is not aligned to the trade deals of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), what further steps has his department and/or the Government taken to (a) illustrate that ban of scrap metal is in line with the position of other states that have banned the sales of scrap metal and (b) ensure that it is not in contravention of WTO agreements in this regard?
- Question 2926 – What incentives has he proposed to encourage the scrap industry to pursue strict regulation of scrap metal and scrap metal sales and exports?
- Question 2896 – What is the (a) total amount that the National Lotteries Commission paid in legal costs to external service providers in the (i) 2021-22 and (ii) 2022-23 financial years; (b) budget forecast for the 2023-24 financial year; and (c)(i) breakdown of law firms that were used and (ii) total amount that was paid to each law firm in each specified financial year?
- Question 2887 – What (a) total amount in Rand and cents, has been lost to the illicit trade in the (i) tobacco and (ii) alcohol industry from March 2020 until February 2022 and (b) measures have been put in place to curb the trade of illicit goods across all industries;
- Question 2774 – With regard to an article on Fin24 on 7 June 2022, regarding the potentially failed sale of Hulamin (details furnished), what were the non-cash requirements that his department and/or the Industrial Development Zone attached to the deal;
- Question 2748 – What (a) total amount did the National Lottery Commission allocate via proactive funding towards food hampers and/or food parcels for victims of the recent floods in the Eastern Cape and (b) was the total cost and/or average cost for each specified hamper;
- Question 2694 – What total amount in fees was paid to each National Lotteries Commission (NLC) board member for each (a) board meeting and (b) NLC workshop and/or training event attended in the (i) 2019-20, (ii) 2020-21 and (iii) 2021-22 financial years?
- Question 2693 – What (a) total number of board meetings were held by the National Lotteries Commission Board in the (i) 2019-20, (ii) 2020-21 and (iii) 2021-22 financial years, (b) is the name of each member who attended and (c) is the total number of meetings that each member of the board attended;
- Question 2692 – What are the details of the (a) basic salary, (b) provident fund, (c) travel allowance, (d) cell phone allowance and (e) performance bonus for the board members of the executive of the National Lotteries Commission for the position of (i) executive manager: legal and (ii) chief risk officer, in the (aa) 2019-20, (bb) 2020-21 and (cc) 2021-22 financial years?
- Question 2564 – What (a) total amount did the National Lotteries Commission allocate via the proactive funding for food hampers and/or food parcels for victims of the recent KwaZulu-Natal floods, (b) was the actual cost or average cost of each hamper and (c) what items were included in each hamper or food parcel;
- Question 2563 – What (a) number of vehicles did the National Lotteries Commission fund via the proactive funding to assist with the Eastern Cape flood disaster relief, (b) type of vehicles were they and (c) was the total cost of the vehicles
- Question 2562 – What (a) number of vehicles did the National Lotteries Commission fund via the proactive funding to assist with KwaZulu-Natal flood disaster relief, (b) type of vehicles were they and (c) was the total cost of the vehicles;
- Question 2508 – (a) What (i) total number of employees of his department are currently working from home, (ii) number of such employees have special permission to work from home and (iii) are the reasons for granting such special permission and (b) on what date will such workers return to their respective offices;
- Question 2446 – What are the details of the (a) basic salary, (b) provident fund, (c) travel allowance (d) cellphone allowance and (e) performance bonus for the board members of the executive of the National Lotteries Commission for the position of (i) Executive: Corporate Services, (ii) Company Secretary in the (aa) 2019-20, (bb) 2020-21 and (cc) 2021-22 financial
years? - Question 2445 – What are the details of the (a) basic salary, (b) provident fund, (c) travel allowance (d) cellphone allowance and (e) performance bonus for the board members of the executive of the National Lotteries Commission for the position of (i) Chief Information Officer and (ii) Executive: Regulatory Compliance in the (aa) 2019-20, (bb) 2020-21 and (cc) 2021-22 financial years?
- Question 2444 – What are the details of the (a) basic salary, (b) provident fund, (c) travel allowance, (d) cell phone allowance and (e) performance bonus for the board members of the executive of the National Lotteries Commission for the position of (i) Chief Financial Officer and (ii) Senior Executive: Grant Funding in the (aa) 2019-20, (bb) 2020-21 and (cc) 2021-22 financial years?
- Question 2428 – What are the reasons that the National Empowerment Fund (a) approved the letter of intent for Mr Aubrey Mabao only to decline it without a due diligence and (b) now wants a contract from the specified person while they initially gave him the option of a letter of intent or a contract?
- Question 2363 – What are the details of the fees earned by the board members of the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) for their involvement in licence bid evaluations?
- Question 2362 – What are the details of the (a) board fees, (b) provident fund, (c) travel allowance, (d) cell phone allowance and (e) bonuses for the board members of the National Lotteries Commission in the (i) 2019-20, (ii) 2020-21 and (iii) 2021-22 financial years?
- Question 2361 – What are the details of the (a) basic salary, (b) provident fund, (c) travel allowance, (d) cell phone allowance and (e) performance bonus for the board members of the executive of the National Lotteries Commission for the position of (i) commissioner and (ii) chief operating officer, in the (aa) 2019-20, (bb) 2020-21 and (cc) 2021-22 financial years?
- Question 2322 – Whether the Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone is still within its project timelines and scope; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of the current status of the project;
- Question 2277 – What (a) is the name of each company that has invested in the Saldanha Special Industrial Development Zone, (b) is the total amount in Rands that each company has invested to date and (c) are the details of the industry and/or business that each company conducts?
- Question 2273 – With reference to the directive issued by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy to the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications on 18 February 2020, what are the reasons that the process to strengthen existing and introduce new minimum energy performance standards has stalled after the successes of those introduced by VC 9006 and VC 9008, which have resulted in major energy savings on water heaters and other household appliances;
- Question 2272 – What is the current status of the development of policy measures (i) VC 9109 and (ii) VC 9110 by his department, as gazetted on 1 March 2021, to transition our domestic lighting away from old, outdated and inefficient lighting technologies that often get dumped in our market, to newer and more energy-efficient technologies such as light-emitting diode bulbs and (b) by what date is it envisaged that the new policy measures will be adopted;
- Question 2251 – (a) Which development projects, such as Yekani Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd in East London, were established with the financial support of the Industrial Development Corporation during the past 10 financial years, (b) what were the amounts that were invested in each project, (c) which of the specified endeavours have since failed and (d) what are the reasons for their failure in each case;
- Question 2194 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1293 on 18 November 2019, wherein he indicated that the second phase of the Ekandustria Revitalisation Programme has not been initiated as yet pending funding approval, the second phase of the programme has been started and/or completed; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, on what date did it commence and/or was it completed;
- Question 2118 – Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with the final list of the beneficiaries of the R210 million COVID-19 Relief Fund; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 2015 – What (a) actions does his department intend to take against scrap yard owners who buy stolen cables from criminals and (b) intervention measures will be put in place to ensure that no scrap yard is allowed to buy stolen cables in future?
- Question 2001 – What (a) has his department identified as the biggest stumbling block in finalising legislative changes that aim to narrow the earnings gap between company executives and the lowest paid workers and (b) is the progress report on this from the perspective of his department?
- Question 1906 – (a) What total number of applications for funding were received by the National Lotteries Commission in each province in the (i) 2020-21 and (ii) 2021-22 financial years, (b) from which sectors were the funding applications and (c) what total number of applications from each sector received funding?
- Question 1877 – Whether certain companies (names furnished) are utilised by the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) as and when the NLC needs its services; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what are the relevant details of the services provided by the
companies, (b) on what date did the companies and/or any of their affiliates start working
for the NLC and (c) what total amount has been paid to the companies and/or any of
their affiliates by the NLC to date? - Question 1876– Whether certain companies (names furnished) and/or any of their affiliates are
currently involved in any once-off IT-related tender and/or contract and/or any once-off IT-related projects for the National Lotteries Commission (NLC); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what does each project involve, (b) on what date (i) did each project commence and (ii) is it envisaged to be completed and (c) what is the value of each project;
(2) what is the nature of the online security and/or any other services that the
companies and/or any of their affiliates are currently contracted to conduct for the
NLC? - Question 1875 – (1) (a) What (i) work have (aa) certain companies (names furnished) and (bb) any of their affiliates undertaken for the National Lotteries Commission (NLC), (ii) did this work entail and (iii) was the value of each tender, contract and/or once-off project awarded to
each company and/or their affiliates and (b) in which financial year was the specified
work done. (2) whether the companies and/or any of their affiliates are preferred service providers to the NLC and/or the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? - Question 1824 – In light of the fact that record companies take intellectual property rights away from the creator by means of deeds of assignment and the rights remain with the company 25
years after the creator is deceased, what measures have been put in place by his department to ensure that the copyright tribunal is accessible to poor and disadvantaged creators? - Question 1633 – What (a) number of officials in his department (i) are currently subjected to disciplinary action, (ii) have been suspended, (b) is the job title of each specified official, (c) are the reasons for disciplinary action and/or suspensions being instituted against each official and (d) are the reasons that none of the aforementioned cases have been finalised;
- Question 1632 – Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a list of the current vacancies in his department; if not, why not; if so, on what date; (a) what are the reasons that each post has remained vacant and (b) by what date will each vacancy be filled; (3) whether all of the vacancies are funded in the 2022-23 budget; if not, why not; if so, on what are the relevant details?
- Question 1631 – (a) What are the reasons that it has taken more than a year for a permanent Director-General to be appointed in his department and (b) how far is his department with the recruitment process of a new Director-General?
- Question 1596 – Whether (a) his department and/or (b) entities reporting to him concluded any commercial contracts with (i) the government of the Russian Federation and/or (ii) any other entity based in the Russian Federation since 1 April 2017; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, for each commercial contract, what are the (aa) relevant details, (bb) values, (cc) time frames, (dd) goods contracted and (ee) reasons why these goods could not be contracted in the Republic?
- Question 1545 – Whether his department has any industrialisation projects and/or initiatives in progress to address the high unemployment rate in the Republic; if not, why not; if so, where?
- Question 1465 – Which organisations benefitted from the (a) R50 million directed to the Solidarity Fund, (b) R10 million set aside for food and hygiene hampers and (c) R150 million Relief Fund to assist struggling non-profit organisations to keep afloat;
- Question 1464 – Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with the final list of the beneficiaries of the R210 million COVID-19 Relief Fund; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 1460 – Whether, with regard to communications, media and marketing services contracts of his department in the past three financial years, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with (a) a list of service providers, (b) the nature of services provided, (c) the date when services were provided and (d) the total monetary value of each contract; what supply chain management process was followed for the (a) tender, (b) preferred supplier, (c) treasury database and (d) single-source in respect of the specified contracts?
- Question 1392 – What are the details of the (a) quantity of fertiliser the country has imported in the past five years, (b) top five countries from which the Republic imports fertiliser and (c) kinds of fertiliser that the Republic imports the most?
- Question 1262 – (a) What sectors of the economy have (i) grown and (ii) declined in the past financial year and (b) how has the specified growth and/or decline affect the job market?
- Question 1250 – Whether the Government has put any mechanisms in place to encourage (a) government departments, (b) public entities and (c) local businesses to produce and buy locally as a critical component for creating employment and to act as an industrial growth strategy; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 1082 – Whether, given that many factories in QwaQwa, Butterworth, Hammanskraal, Botshabelo, Thaba Nchu, and many other places are being destroyed on a daily basis due to not being used, he will account on what his department is doing to restore the factory buildings for operation and production of many household items such as candles, brooms and clothes; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 1020 – (a) What progress has been made with the (i) Designation Phase, (ii) Interim Phase and (iii) Development Phase of the Nkomazi Special Economic Zone (SEZ) multi-year project, (b) when will the Nkomazi SEZ be fully operational and (c) how many direct jobs will be created?
- Question 1014 – How is the clothing and textile industry currently performing and contributing to the economy;
- Question 1013 – Whether, with the implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution providing an opportunity for the clothing and textiles industry to digitalise the supply chain, he has found that manufacturing has been forced to transform itself digitally; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- NCOP Question 988 – Whether water licence application for the Nkomazi Special Economic Zone (SEZ) has been complete; if not, why not; if so, when;
- NCOP Question 987 – What is the detailed progress report of the Nkomazi Special Economic Zone (SEZ);
- NCOP Question 986 – How much was allocated to the Mpumalanga Youth Development Fund in the 2021/22 financial year, (b) how much was paid out in the said year, (c) how much was benefitted by youth from this project and (d) what are the names of the beneficiaries;
- Question 909 – What benefits has he found the economy of the Republic derived from its participation in the African Continental Free Trade Area since it became operational in January 2021?
- Question 897 – What steps has his department taken to ensure that the Republic will continue to benefit from the (a) African Growth and Opportunity Act and (b) European Partnership Agreement after the completion of the renewal processes of the trade opportunities?
- Question 892 – What (a) is the total number of incidents of (i) sexual harassment and (ii) sexual assault that were reported in his department (aa) in each of the past three financial years and (bb) since 1 April 2021, (b) number of cases (i) were opened and concluded, (ii) were withdrawn and (iii) remain open or pending based on the incidents and (c) sanctions were meted out against each person who was found guilty?
- Question 890 – Whether his department has done any assessment of the finding of Business Leadership South Africa in 2021 that the country loses more than R250 million worth of tax revenue a day due to illicit economic activity, which has knock-on effects on job creation and service delivery; if not, why not; if so, what was found to be the impact of illegal activities on the ability of the Republic to maintain its integrity as a stable trade partner;
- Question 866 – Whether, considering that many countries that have successfully industrialised have been able to achieve this through enforcing localisation policies (details furnished), his department has considered enforcing and designating the procurement of locally produced products by the Government in order to support and intensify manufacturing; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 864 – What total amount in Rand has been spent on (a) catering, (b) entertainment and (c) accommodation for (i) him, (ii) the Deputy Ministers and (iii) officials of his department since 29 May 2019?
- Question 858 – Given the monopoly that food corporations enjoy in the Republic, what steps has his department taken to ensure that consumers are not exploited through price-fixing in the (a) food manufacturing and (b) wholesale and/or retail sector?
- Question 780 – The Competition Commissioner advised the Portfolio Committee on Health regarding the National Health Insurance that they have a training programme in place where the state sends officials through the programme to detect collaboration, fraud and corruption and/or any anomalies within the tender processes, which (a) departments have sent their staff through the training and (b) successes has he found have been realised through the training;
- Question 753 – Noting the high unemployment rate in the Nelson Mandela Bay Metropolitan Municipality, what (a)(i) total number of companies have been assisted by his department in the specified area and (ii) is the racial breakdown of the ownership of the specified companies and (b) are the success stories in the master plans already set up by his department?
- Question 752 – With reference to his department’s budget allocation, wherein funds have been allocated towards the Performance Management Unit, what is the reason that his department has chosen to open a new unit when it is critical that funds should be channelled towards assisting ailing companies that are not coping with the impact of the coronavirus?
- Question 606 – What total amount has the National Lotteries Commission spent on (a) lawyers and consultants’ fees to seek legal advice and opinions against the media, politicians and/or political parties and staff members and (b) litigation from 1 April 2020 to date?
- Question 605 – Whether businesses who apply for tariff relief measures and/or rebates from the International Trade Administration Commission are required to sign an agreement with his department wherein they commit to no price increases, no job losses and investment in plant, site upgrades and research and development for three years; if not, what is the position in this regard;
- Question 590 -What total quantity of fertiliser does the Republic import from Morocco annually;
- Question 573 – Whether his department has taken any action to resolve the ban by Botswana and Namibia on certain fruits and vegetables from the Republic; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 554 – Given that the surge in food prices can be attributed to among other things the concentration in the food production value chain, and noting that some companies that have market power increase their prices far above the input costs they incur, what (a) is his department doing, through the Competition Commission, to prevent the abuse of market power by the specified companies and (b) total number of companies have been investigated and found to have inflated their prices in this regard?
- Question 553 – Given that his department has undertaken to ban the export of scrap metal for a temporary period and that it has been argued that this will have a devastating impact on small traders, (a) has his department done an impact assessment on how this will impact small traders and (b) what has he found is the broader impact of the specified ban on the economy?
- Question 551 – What measures are being put in place by his department to deal with price-fixing in the travel sector, particularly with regard to airline travel tickets?
- Question 545 – Whether, with regard to advanced connectivity that has brought the world closer together, making the movement of persons, goods, and services easier than ever, and in view of the International Chamber of Commerce projection that the global economic value of counterfeiting and piracy could reach $2.3 trillion this year, his department has put any mechanisms and/or measures in place to effectively tackle counterfeiting and piracy within the Republic; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 538 – What is the (a) make, (b) model, (c) year of manufacture, (d) price and (e) purchase date of each vehicle purchased for use by (i) him and (ii) the Deputy Ministers since 29 May 2019?
- Question 490 – Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with the details of formal interaction he has had with the Minister of Police in order to curb the theft of (a) public and (b) private infrastructure which is in turn used for scrap metal; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details;
- NCOP Question 395 – How the clothing and textile industry in the Western Cape is performing regarding its contribution to the economy?
- Question 390 – Whether, following a suspected gas leak from a certain company (name furnished) and its inhalation at a school and homes in the surrounding area of Richards Bay, where children and adults developed nausea, vomiting, difficulties in breathing with many having collapsed and transported to hospitals and clinics in the Richards Bay and Empangeni areas, her department investigated the incident; if not, why not; if so, what (a) are the results of the investigation (b) is being done to prevent the incident from happening in the future?
- Question 353 – What is the final status of the grant for Peru and Bala movie;
- NCOP Question 337 – When last did the Financial Standards Reporting Council (a) meet and (b) release communication to the (i) industry and/or (ii) Independent Regulatory Board for Auditors;
- Question 322 – Who is currently acting in the position of chief audit executive at the National Lotteries Commission and (b) what amount has the specified person earned since he acted in the position?
- Question 321 – What (a) period has a certain person (name and details furnished) not been at work while drawing a salary, (b) are the reasons provided by the person for not being at work and (c) amount has the person earned during the specified period?
- NCOP Question 313 – Whether, with reference to the tabling of an Ease of Doing Business Bill (details furnished), he will implement the (a) simplification of administration by developing a tool to review and reduce administrative and regulatory procedures, (b) regulatory impact assessment to ensure that new regulations are not burdensome and (c) trade facilitation measures the Government plans to eliminate costs and time that is required by businesses to export and import goods (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 296 – (a) On what date is it envisaged that the Special Economic Zones Strategic Framework will be finalised; and (b) what kind of economic activity will the framework catalyse?
- Question 295 – With regard to the Trade Policy Statement that was released by his department in May 2021, which reflected his department’s policy objectives for international trade in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and the opportunities that stemmed from the signing of the agreement on the African Continental Free Trade Area, what are the details of the progress made by his department to fulfil the policy objectives, particularly in as far as the building of industrial capacity in the Republic and the continent is concerned?
- Question 278 – Whether he has found that the Government’s broad-based black economic empowerment policy has been effective in broadening opportunities for black South Africans; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 270 – Whether, in light of the concerns raised by the SA Association of Meat Importers and Exporters that there will be a shortage in the supply of poultry if the Republic does not produce enough poultry which will have an impact on both small-scale farmers and the consumers, his department has any plans in place to assist with (a) the urgent removal of trade tariffs on all poultry products and (b) a three-year moratorium on any new tariffs?
- Question 261 – In light of the fact that the concentration of the economy is an impediment to achieving structural transformation of the economy of the Republic following the Competition Commission’s Report which measured increasing levels of concentration over 80 sectors of the economy, what (a) measures has his department put in place in order to implement the recommendations contained in the report of the Competition Commission and (b) collaborative effort is in place with other departments to urgently respond to the increasing levels of concentration in the economy of the Republic?
- NCOP Question 257 – Whether his department has established any small industrial parks in the Western Cape; if not, why not; if so, (a) what is the status of each such industrial park and (b) how many small businesses were assisted in this regard?
- NCOP Question 256 – How many times has his department assisted local businesses in the Western Cape to access the export markets?
- Question 249 – With reference to the announcement made by the President of the Republic, Mr M.C Ramaphosa, in his State of the Nation Address on 10 February 2022 that the hemp and cannabis industry will be supported to create 130 000 jobs in the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal, what collaborative efforts has his department undertaken by working with the Department of Agriculture to (a) improve the regulatory framework and (b) attract the necessary investment needed for the industry?
- Question 201 – What number of supplier invoices currently remain unpaid by (i) his department and (ii) each entity reporting to him for more than (aa) 30 days, (bb) 60 days, (cc) 90 days and (dd) 120 days, (b) what is the total amount outstanding in each case and (c) by what date is it envisaged that the outstanding amounts will be settled?
- Question 173 – Whether he and/or his department ever received correspondence from a certain political organisation (details furnished), via email, WhatsApp, hardcopy and/or in any other format of which the original file is dated June 2020; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what date was the specified correspondence received, (b) who was the sender of the correspondence and (c) what steps were taken by his department in this regard?
- Question 98 – Whether he has found that the new integrated information communication technology management system of the National Lotteries Commission is now complete and operating optimally; if not,
- Question 97 – Whether his department conducts any checks on nongovernmental organisations, especially those acting as conduits, to monitor whether the persons applying are office bearers of other non-profit organisations that have received funding from the National Lotteries Commission and/or have acted as a conduit; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 96 – What is the name of each heritage festival that received funding from the National Lotteries Commission in the (a) 2018-19, (b) 2019-20, (c) 2020-21 and (d) 2021- 22 financial years;
- Question 89 – In the absence of negative reports regarding the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) at the office of the National Lotteries Commission of South Africa, what are the reasons for the reduced amount of R6 million to SASCOC for the (a) Tokyo Olympics and (b) Paralympics games?
- Question 1 – Whether, in view of the International Tribunal Judgment finding that China is guilty of human rights violations, genocide and oppression of the country’s Uyghur, Kazakh and Turkic Muslim populations and in light of the United States of America signing a new law banning all products manufactured in the Xinjiang region under forced labour, to mark its disapproval of China’s human rights violations, his department will use trade relations to send a message against the inhumane practices and genocide of Muslims; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 2438 – What are the details of the boundary lighting of the Maluti-a-Phofung Special Economic Zone with regard to the (a) total number of boundary lights, (b) details of the design of the boundary lights, (c) total cost of installing the boundary lights, (d) total number of boundary lights that were operational as at 31 July 2021, (e) detailed reasons why boundary lights are not operational and (f) date by which it is anticipated that all boundary lights will be fully operational?
- Question 2407 – With reference to the Maluti-a-Phofung Special Economic Zone, what are the details of (a) measures that have been put in place to ensure that the (i) boundary fence is not breached and/or cut and (ii) boundary lights and associated equipment are not vandalised and/or stolen and (b) the reasons for not having such measures in place in order to protect the boundary fence and lighting?
- Question 2406 – What are the details of the boundary of the Maluti-a-Phofung Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in respect of, but not exclusively, (a) the length of the boundary and (b) the details of the boundary fence;
- Question 2323 – With reference to his reply to question 2014 on 10 September 2021, (a) what are the full details of the case of fraud, (b) who was involved and (c) on what date were criminal charges instituted?
- Question 2298 – What are the details of (a) the names of businesses that invested, (b) the value of each businesses investment, (c) the products produced by each business and (d) each business within the special economic zone (SEZ) that has closed/ceased operations within the Maluti-A-Phofung SEZ situated in Harrismith in the Free State since the date the SEZ was established to 31 July 2021?
- Question 2269 – In light of the fact that the Republic to date has received 23,4% of its Johnson & Johnson supply, yet Aspen has been exporting some of its Johnson & Johnson vaccines abroad, what efforts is his department making in negotiating for Aspen to receive a full
technology transfer agreement and not leave the fight to civil society alone considering
the monopoly enjoyed by Johnson & Johnson, - Question 2192 – To what extent will the intended localisation policies affect (a) goods and services to be traded under the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), both
directly and indirectly, (b) domestic, regional, and continental supply chains, (c)
non-localised demarcated sectors and (d) trade relations with other member
states of the AfCFTA, including possible retaliatory measures imposed by them
against South African industries; - Question 2155 – What (a) is the total number of opportunities wherein his department had assisted local businesses to access the export markets since 1 January 2021 and (b) are the full relevant details in this regard?
- Question 2142 – (a) Whether he has consulted the lead senior negotiator, on the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) at his own department regarding South Africa’s proposed localisation policies, considering the fact that Dr Morgenie Pillay believes that the said localisation policies are incongruent with the AfCFTA; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details regarding the outcomes of the consultations;
- Question 2139 – (a) Whether he has consulted the lead senior negotiator, on the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) at his own department regarding South Africa’s proposed localisation policies, considering the fact that Dr Morgenie Pillay believes that the said localisation policies are incongruent with the AfCFTA; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details regarding the outcomes of the consultations;
- Question 2106 – What (a) amount of the R150 million allocated to the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) COVID-19 Relief fund has been disbursed to date, (b) is the detailed breakdown of (i) each recipient of the COVID-19 Relief Fund and (ii) the amount each recipient was granted, (c) has happened with the unspent and/or unallocated funds and (d) monitoring and evaluation processes have been carried out by the NLC to ensure that the funds were spent in line with existing financial and legal prescripts?, PQ 2106 – Annexure A, PQ 2106 – Annexure B
- Question 2069 – Whether he has found that the ongoing court case between him and the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) has resulted in the delay of the appointment of a new chairperson of the NLC; if not, how was this conclusion reached; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 2050 – What are his department’s existing and planned efforts to (a) boost exports, promote investment and create high-value, high-paying jobs in order to build back from the effects of COVID-19 and (b) ensure every part of the Republic benefits from our trade strategies?
- Question 2014 – Whether there has been an investigation by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) and/or his department into R4,5 million fraud in the NRCS; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the full relevant details;
- Question 2013 – Whether a well-known personality (name furnished) and/or her company, (details furnished) received any grant funding from the National Lotteries Commission; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of the funding?
- Question 2012 – With reference to his reply to question 159 on 5 March 2021, (a) what are the reasons that he has not yet provided the requested information and (b) on what date will he provide the information?
- Question 1999 – Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a list of (a) 12 organisations linked to a certain journalist (name furnished) that allegedly received grants from the National Lotteries Commission, (b) the amount of money granted to each of the organisations, (c) the year that each of the funds were disbursed and (d) any other relevant details thereof; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 1938 – What total number of the businesses that supply (a) chicken, (b) rice and/or (c) car accessories in the Republic are South African-owned?
- Question 1937 – What (a) relief measures has he put in place to assist black-owned small businesses and emerging industrialists who lost their properties during the recent unrest in (i) KwaZulu-Natal and (ii) Gauteng, (b) total number of the specified businesses were funded by the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and (c) steps has the IDC taken to ensure that the businesses are able to operate again?
- Question 1900 – Whether, with regard to Uprising Youth Development 153-190 Non-Profit Organisation, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a copy of the certified application form received by the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) in respect of their application for R5,5 million in the 2019-20 financial year; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 1899 – With regard to his reply to question 695 on 6 April 2021, (a) how are lawyers and/or legal firms chosen from the list of service providers, (b) what are the reasons that Ndobela Lamola Incorporated was selected to do so much work that they earned approximately 25% of all fees paid by the National Lotteries Commission between 2016 and 2020 and (c)(i) how was R5,7 million spent on the Mzukisi Makatse case, (ii) what are the full total breakdown of the costs associated with the case and (iii) what were the reasons for the costs having been so high?
- Question 1882 – (a) What are the 27 products referred to in his department’s policy statement on localisation dated 18 May 2021, wherein it is stated that since 2014, 27 key products that have been procured by Government have been successfully prioritised for purchasing by the State from local manufacturers and (b) how were the 27 products identified?
- Question 1881 – With regard to the target of 20% of non-petroleum imports that are to be substituted for locally produced goods, which he communicated to the National Economic Development and Labour Council, (a) how was the figure of 20% established and (b) what is the time frame for reaching the set target;
- Question 1880 – With reference to his budget speech and the department’s policy statement on localisation dated 18 May 2021, (a) what are the 42 products identified for strategic localisation and (b) how were the 42 products identified?
- Question 1763 – Whether, with the price of cooking oil having risen by 70%, he intends to introduce a price ceiling or to take any action to protect South Africans from the increasing cost; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 1587 – What are the aggregate amounts that are available in the (a) Special Economic Zones Fund, (b) Black Industrialist Scheme and (c) Critical Infrastructure Fund of his department;
- Question 1571 – With reference to item 15 of the 2005-06 Annual Report of the National Lotteries Board under the heading Gauteng on page 53, indicating that a R900 000 conditional grant was allocated to a certain company (name and details furnished), what are the relevant details of the conditions that were not met which eventually led to the grant being withdrawn?
- Question 1532 – Whether his department studied the economic disadvantages of the establishment of an Amazon e-Commerce distribution centre in the retail sector in the Republic; if not, why not; if so, what are the results?
- Question 1531 – What are the challenges to reindustrialisation in the Republic and (b) how does the Government intend to overcome the specified challenges in the long term?
- Question 1530 – How does the Government intend to address the challenges of cheap imports of goods into the Republic;
- Question 1489– Whether his department has concluded any work exchange and/or employment agreements with any entity of the Republic of Cuba from the 2010-11 financial year up to the 2020-21 financial year; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) total number of Cuban nationals (i) have been employed in each of the specified financial years and/or (ii) are due to be employed in the 2021-23 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework period, (b) are the details of the work that each of the specified Cuban nationals was and/or will be employed to perform, (c) are the details of the specific skills sets that each of the specified Cuban nationals possessed and/or will possess that South African nationals did or will not possess and (d) are the details of the total cost of employing each of the specified Cuban nationals in each case;
- Question 1452– With reference to his reply to question 2584 on 27 November 2020, where it is stated that the Mpumalanga Growth Agency (MEGA) deliberately decided to slow down the Ekandustria Industrial Park revitalisation programme in Ekangala, Gauteng, what (a) were (i) the dates and (ii) the purported reasons for the stated service delivery protests, (b) are the reasons that took over 26 months for the MEGA to send the revised application for phase 2 of the revitalisation programme, (c) was the total budget (i) allocated and (ii) spent for the programme in the 2019-20 financial year, (d)(i) phases and deliverables are planned in the (i) 2020-21, (ii) 2021-22 and (iii) 2022-23 financial years and (e) are the budgetary allocations for the three specified financial years?
- Question 1363 – Whether his department and/or any of the entities reporting to him funded and/or contributed to the supply and/or installation of the production line for the manufacture of protective masks at a certain factory (name furnished); if so, (a) to what value and (b) on what date?
- Question 1333 – (a) What are the names of all the approved service providers, including those responsible for events, catering, and marketing, for the National Lottery Board and (b) on what date was each service provider appointed.
- Question 1306 – On what date was the internal report into corruption in the National Lotteries Commission by Sekela Xabiso audit firm due to be completed;
- Question 1252 – Given that global supply chains are constrained as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, how does the Government intend to (a) ensure that local production benefits from the opportunities of such constraints and (b) protect local production in a post-pandemic era?
- Question 1245 – Whether his department has taken any formal steps to secure international co-operation on access to patents and technology for the Republic on the production of COVID-19 vaccines; if not, why not; if so, what (a) are the relevant details, (b) inroads have been made and (c) are the challenges?
- Question 1145 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 466 on 19 March 2021, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a detailed breakdown of the R31 356 005, 33 expenditure relating to a certain company (name furnished) in (a) 2015, (b) 2016 and (c) 2017; if not, why not; if so, by what date?
- Question 1140 – Whether, with regard to communication, media and marketing services, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with the (a) list of (i) service providers, (ii) nature of services rendered, (iii) date on which services were provided and (iv) total value of contracts and (b) relevant details of the nature of the supply chain management processes that were followed for the contracts (details furnished)?
- Question 1123 – With reference to his reply to question 139 on 1 March 2021, who was awarded the tender out of the 19 bidders and (b) will he furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a copy of the (i) inception report, (ii) literature review and stakeholder mapping, (iii) data collection, (iv) desktop research stakeholder engagement and interviews and (v) draft report?
- Question 1097 – Whether, with reference to his replies to questions 196, 197 and 198 on 5 March 2021, he has now received the information from the National Lottery Commission; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?
- Question 1096 – With reference to the reply of the Minister of Sport, Arts and Culture to question 200 on 5 March 2021 where it is stated that the National Lotteries Commission gave a grant of R63 000 000 to the Durban 2022 Commonwealth Bid, what (a) exactly was the motivation in the application for the grant and (b) due diligence was conducted before the grant was approved;
- Question 1062 – Whether his department and/or any entity reporting to him paid any funds to the SA Farmers Development Association (SAFDA) since 2015; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what total amount in each year, (b) under what programme and (c) what was the full details of the purpose of the funding;
- Question 1005 – In light of confirmation on Wednesday, 10 March 2021, by the Director-General of the Department of Public Service and Administration of endemic post vacancies within various government departments, (a) what (i) total number of posts in his department are currently vacant and not occupied and (ii) are the relevant details of each specified post and (b) for how long has each post been vacant;
- Question 921 – In view of the Poultry Master Plan which is one of multiple master plans that were announced by the President of the Republic, Mr M C Ramaphosa, during his State of the Nation Address on 11 February 2021, which is aimed at supporting local businesses in line with his Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan (ERRP) which was tabled in October 2020, what role does his department play in the President’s localisation drive, in line with his ERRP;
- Question 883 – What (a) was the total inclusive salary package for the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Empowerment Fund in the (i) 2019-20 and (ii) 2020-21 financial years, (b) is the total inclusive salary package for the CEO in the 2021-22 financial year and (c) is the detailed breakdown of the CEO’s salary package?
- Question 830 – Whether, with reference to the legal expenses of the National Lottery Commission (NLC) regarding litigation regarding service providers since 2016, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a list of the (a) various parties litigated against and (b) legal fees for litigation involving current and/or former NLC staff; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 695 – What (a) is the total amount that the National Lotteries Commission paid in legal expenses to outside service providers (i) in the (i) 2016-17, (ii) 2017-18, (iii) 2018-19 and (iv) 2019-20 financial years, (b) is the budget forecast for the 2020-21 financial year and (c) is the (i) breakdown of law firms that were used and (ii) total amount that was paid to each of law firm?
- Question 694 – What was the marketing budget of the National Lotteries Commission in each of the past 10 financial years?
- Question 693 – What (a) is the total amount that was spent by the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) on advertising placement and/or media spend over the past 10 financial years, (b) are the names of the media houses and/or publications in which the NLC purchased advertising placements over the past 10 years and (c) are the relevant annual amounts spent by the NLC on each media house and/or publication?
- Question 253 – What (a) efforts are in place from the Tourism Development and Investment Company to ensure sufficient support to small-scale farmers in a manner that contributes to changing the structure of the market and (b) measures are in place to introduce new players in the market to enhance competition?
- Question 224 – What interventions has his department made to ensure the tracking and elimination of illegal online gambling in the Republic?
- Question 223 – Which rural areas have the Industrial Development Corporation and the National Empowerment Fund focused on over the past five years and (b) what are the successes that the specified entities reported in terms of the long-term growth of emerging black businesses?
- Question 208 – Whether, with regard to the R36 million economic relief package which was announced in July in response to COVID-19 and the civil unrest which affected businesses and jobs, his department is aware that there were incidents where businesses were making fraudulent claims; if not, what measures is his department taking to uncover and/or investigate possibilities of fraudulent claims; if so, what were the nature of the specified claims?
- Question 206 – Whether he has commissioned an assessment of the business sentiment the deployment of members of the SA National Defence Force across the Republic may have, particularly in areas of doing business like malls where it sends a message of political instability and lack of business confidence in the country that will obviously attract negative sentiments among role players in international trade and industry who are interested in doing business in the Republic; if not, what are the reasons that it was not considered necessary to undertake such an assessment prior to the deployment; if so; what are the relevant details;
- NCOP Question 377 – (1) Whether the agreement between the Government and certain multinational companies and a certain Chinese company (details furnished) to develop and invest in the Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone will heighten the foreign extraction of resources, especially in light of the endorsement by the Government for fiscal kickbacks; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) Whether such an agreement will mean an unprecedented level of foreign control of the country’s energy and metallurgical resources; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details - NCOP Question 350 – (1) Whether any of the 109 000 trees at the construction site for the Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone have been uprooted; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details; (2) whether any of such trees were protected trees; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (3) whether such trees have been (a) relocated and (b) transplanted; if not, why not; if so, (i) which area was identified and (ii) what are the further relevant details; (4) whether the knowledge of a horticulturist was sought; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; (5) whether he and/or his department took into cognisance the importance of such indigenous trees to the Venda people; if not, why not; if so, what public participation was conducted with them; (6) whether a copy of the Minutes of such meetings will be made available; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- NCOP Question 300 – Whether, given the potential of the Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone being a drain on national fiscus (details furnished), the $3.8 billion that has been invested by a certain Chinese company (name furnished) will mean an unprecedented level of foreign control of the energy metallurgical zone; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- NCOP Question 247 – Whether the Musina Makhado Special Economic Zone’s Environmental Impact Assessment (a) was properly done (b) will have a negative impact on the environment and communities that live in the area; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?
- NCOP Question 214 – Whether his department established any small industrial parks in the (a) 2018/19 and (b) 2019/20 financial years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (i) what is the (a) status and (b) location and (ii) how many small businesses were assisted by his department in the specified business industrial parks?
- NCOP Question 190 – (a) When will the Makhado Special Economic Zone be completed and (b) how many jobs is the said economic zone expected to create in the Vhembe District Municipality in Limpopo?
- NCOP Question 171 – What progress has been made in unlocking (a) infrastructure and (b) industrial development on the African continent since the launch of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement on 1 January 2021?
- NCOP Question 168 – How much (a) was allocated and (b) has been spent on the site that was declared an industrial zone in Dimbaza in Qonce, in the Eastern Cape (details furnished)?
- Question 3053 – What (a) steps is his department taking to resolve outstanding grievances of musicians on the payment of royalties, (b) initiatives are being undertaken by his department to ensure a more efficient and transparent process in distributing royalties and (c) reforms have been made to modernise organisations responsible for the collection of royalties?
- Question 3047 – What (a) steps is his department taking to resolve outstanding grievances of musicians on the payment of royalties, (b) initiatives are being undertaken by his department to ensure a more efficient and transparent process in distributing royalties and (c) reforms have been made to modernise organisations responsible for the collection of royalties?
- Question 3000 – Whether the SA Bureau of Standards must approve speed hump designs on any level of government; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 2994 – Whether the SA Bureau of Standards must approve speed hump designs on any level of government; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 2984 – What measures does his department have in place to prevent an international provider of digital services, such as Google and/or Facebook, from acquiring companies internationally and then bundling their products together in the local South African economy;
- Question 2978 – What measures does his department have in place to prevent an international provider of digital services, such as Google and/or Facebook, from acquiring companies internationally and then bundling their products together in the local South African economy;
- Question 2971 – With regard to the Musina-Makhado Special Economic Zone, what (a)(i) are the reasons that the specified project was designated a Presidential Project and (ii) date was it done so, (b) does such designation mean, (c)(i) state-owned entities and (ii) government departments are either participating and/or intended to participate in this project, (d) total amount has each of the specified entities spent on the project so far, (e) total amount do they intend to spend in the next 10 years and (f) value will be delivered to the South African persons in return;
- Question 2933 – (a) What total number of ventilators for COVID-19 patients has the Republic produced in the year 2020, (b) who manufactured the ventilators, (c) on what date were the ventilators manufactured and (d) what was the total cost of each ventilator;
- Question 2865 – Whether, in view of recent media reports that have raised the alarm that funds allocated by the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) to build the Carnival Heritage Museum have not been properly utilised (details furnished), his department has (a) compelled the NLC to audit the books of the Cape Town Minstrel Carnival Association and (b) determined the Global Positioning System co-ordinates of the Carnival Heritage Museum; if not, why not, in each case; if so, what are the relevant details in each case?
- Question 2853 – Following reports that the South African sugar cane growers have recently complained about the major increase in cheap sugar imports from countries such as Brazil, the United Arab Emirates and other countries, which has had an unavoidable impact on the competitiveness of the South African sugar industry, with massive reduction in sales of local sugar over the past year, what are the full details of the steps his department has taken to ensure that Government creates a thriving, inclusive, transformed and sustainable local sugar industry that supports our sugar cane growers?
- Question 2851 – What mechanisms has his department put in place to ensure that state-owned enterprises comply with (a) designations and (b) local content requirements?
- Question 2814 – With reference to the document that was presented to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition by the National Lotteries Commission (details furnished), (a) how exactly was the (i) R21 086 23, 21 allocated to project number 80768 and (ii) R24 980 000, 00 that was allocated to project number 103496 spent and (b) how does the National Lotteries Commission justify allocating more money to the Roadshow send-off for the Rio Olympics than to Preparation for Rio Olympics?
- Question 2813 – With reference to the document that was presented to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition by the National Lotteries Commission (details furnished), (a) of the R13 750 000, 00 allocated to project number 73656, what amount was spent on the (i) community magazine, (ii) socioeconomic cohesion symposium and (iii) cultural awareness campaign, (b) what number of editions of the magazine have been published, (c) who spoke at the socioeconomic cohesion symposium, (d) what number of persons attended the symposium, (e) where was it held and (f) what was the purpose of the cultural awareness campaign?
- Question 2803 – With reference to the document that was presented to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition by the National Lotteries Commission (details furnished), of the R13 332 300, 00 allocated to project number 56305, (a) what amount was spent on (i) the workshop and (ii) infrastructure, (b) what infrastructure was purchased, (c) what number of persons attended the workshop and (d) where was the workshop held?
- Question 2802 – With reference to the document that was presented to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition by the National Lotteries Commission (details furnished), (a) of the R27 320 758, 64 allocated to project number 73535, what amount was used for the Carnival Heritage Museum, (b) what is the physical address of the museum and (c) on what date was the museum (i) completed and (ii) officially opened;
- Question 2715 – (1) Whether he will instruct his department to investigate if due process was followed when the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) decided to make the R3 million donation to a certain foundation (details furnished); if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) whether his department is investigating a certain person (name furnished) as part of its broader investigation into allegations of corruption pertaining to the NLC; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? - Question 2714 – (1) Whether a certain person (name and details furnished) is in any way related to a certain person (name and details furnished), if not, what is the position in this regard; if so,
(2) whether this is deemed to constitute a conflict of interest in accordance with the policies of the NLC and/or his department, taking into account the donation to the specified foundation from the NLC and the fact that the specified person’s relative is employed in a senior position in his department; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the relevant details? - Question 2657 – What total number of poultry farms that are 100% black-owned (a) will participate in the new localisation designation report and (b) are not affiliated with the SA Poultry Association?
- Question 2623 – What (a) amount did his (i) department and/or (ii) Ministry spend on vehicle hire for (aa) himself and (bb) the Deputy Ministers (i) Ms N Gina and (ii) Mr F Z Majola and (b) are all the relevant details in each case;
- Question 2584 – With reference to his reply to question 1293 on 18 November 2019, wherein he indicated that the second phase of the Ekandustria Revitalisation Programme has not been initiated yet pending funding approval, what (a) are the reasons that was no budget set aside in the 2019-20 financial year for the specified programme, (b) further phases and deliverables are planned in the (i) 2020-21 and (ii) 2021-22 financial years, (c) are the budgetary estimates for expenditure in the (i) 2020-21 and (ii) 2021-22 financial years and (d) is the quantum in Rand of funding that has been approved in the 2020-2021 financial year?
- Question 2556 – With reference to his reply to question 1293 on 18 November 2019, wherein he indicated that the second phase of the Ekandustria Revitalisation Programme has not been initiated yet pending funding approval, what (a) are the reasons that was no budget set aside in the 2019-20 financial year for the specified programme, (b) further phases and deliverables are planned in the (i) 2020-21 and (ii) 2021-22 financial years, (c) are the budgetary estimates for expenditure in the (i) 2020-21 and (ii) 2021-22 financial years and (d) is the quantum in Rand of funding that has been approved in the 2020-2021 financial year?
- Question 2555 – What (a) return is the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) getting on each investment that it has and (b) are the full relevant details of the list of impairments on advances and/or investments;
- Question 2554 – What are the reasons that the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) is holding such large investments at a time when it is receiving less funds for disbursement to good causes;
- Question 2478 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 2151 on 21 September 2020, the amounts supplied for each trip included any allowance and/or per diems granted to a certain person (name furnished); if not why not; if so, what are the further relevant details thereof;
- Question 2403 – Whether he will introduce legislation to remove the powers of municipalities to grant permission to extend alcohol trading hours beyond national regulations and allow sales at school events, taking into consideration the lessons learnt during the Covid-19 pandemic, namely that increasing alcohol trading hours increases alcohol-related harm; if not, what is the position in this regard, if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 2345 – On what date (a) was a certain official (name and details furnished) of the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) placed on special leave and/or suspension and (b) is it expected that the specified official will return to work at the NLC;
- Question 2235 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1611 on 21 August 2020, he will provide (a) a breakdown of what logistics consist of for each of the events listed, (b) the number of guests at each event, (c) the number of personnel from the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) who attended each event and (d) the average cost per head for NLC personnel who attended;
- Question 2234 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1707 on 21 August 2020, he has been informed that a certain company (name furnished) received R64,431,576.24 from the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) through its Black Industrialists Programme and that on the National Lotteries Commission’s website it clearly states that a certain person (name and details furnished) is a director of the specified company; if not, what is the position in this regard;
- Question 2217 – What is the total number of persons who are employed in his Private Office;
- Question 2188 – What (a) total amount did the Sport and Recreation Distributing Agency receive in each financial year since its inception, (b) total amount was spent in each specified financial year on (i) salaries and/or allowances, (ii) office rentals, (iii) the sponsoring of events and all relevant details in this regard, (iv) travelling and accommodation and (v) any other specific costs and (c) total amount in funding was received for the development of sport?
- Question 2187 – On what date was the Sport and Recreation Distributing Agency (SRDA) established
- Question 2156 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 737 on 25 May 2020, he received the information requested from the provinces; if not, by what date does he envisage to receive such information; if so, will he furnish Mr. M Waters with the further relevant details?
- Question 2152 – Whether his department ever investigated allegations of the awarding of incentives through the Industrial Financing Branch to family members of certain persons (names furnished); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) what was the outcome in each case and (b) will he furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with the further relevant details?
- Question 2151 – 1) Whether he will furnish Mr M Cuthbert with a list of official overseas trips that a certain person (name furnished) has taken during her tenure at his department, including the (a) cost, (b) destination and (c) purpose of each trip; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so,
2) whether the specified person ever received any gifts from Ithuba; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so,
3) whether the gifts were declared to his department; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details? - Question 2150 – (1) Whether, with reference to his reply to question 1107 on 22 June 2020, a certain person (name furnished) (a) took and (b) was approved for sabbatical leave on more than one occasion prior to 9 February 2018 to 8 February 2019; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) whether the sabbatical leave of the specified person was approved in line with the regulations of the Department of Public Service and Administration; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) for how long was the leave taken and (b) on what date was each leave segment taken?
- Question 2038 – With reference to his reply to question 555 on 25 May 2020, (a) what are the details of the progress achieved to date for each company and (b) how is the progress (i) monitored and (ii) reported in each case?
- Question 1824 – (a) What total number of black-owned specifically Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Level 1 companies have received assistance from the National Empowerment Fund under the programme Corporate Fund sub-programmes Project Finance, and Liquidity & Warehousing and (b) under what trades are the specified companies?
- Question 1782 – With regard to his replies to questions, (a) 1109 on 22 July 2020 and (b) 1039 on 20 July 2020, what (i) was the purpose of each grant stipulated in the annexures and (ii) are the details of the geo-coordinates of the location of each project including longitude and latitude coordinates;
- Question 1764 – With regard to the recently introduced ban on the export of scrap metal that he imposed, (a) who approached him for the ban and (b) what arguments and/or supporting data were presented in support of the request;
- Question 1738 – (a) What total number of companies manufacture ventilators, (b) where is each specified company located, (c) what number of employees does each company have and (d) what capacity does each company have to produce ventilators?
- Question 1708 – On what date will the preliminary report of the investigation into the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) be tabled to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition;
- Question 1707 – Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a list of funding transfers made to a certain company (name furnished) by the Industrial Development Corporation since the inception of the Black Industrialists Programme as well as any other relevant details?
- Question 1671 – Whether a certain company (name furnished) that was launched on 6 June 2018 by his department is still being funded through the Black Industrialists Scheme; if so, what is the (a) funding transfer agreement, (b) contract thereof and (c) total amount of funding awarded to the specified company to date?
- Question 1611 – Whether he will provide Mr M J Cuthbert with a detailed list of all (a) logistics, (b) catering, (c) venue hire, (d) musician hire and (e) advertising terms of the budget spent for all National Lottery roadshows that took place in the 2019-20 financial year?
- Question 1529 – With reference to the reply of the Minister of Sports, Arts and Culture to question 197 on 27 May 2020, (a) for what specified purpose did the National Lottery allocate R4 million to the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee (SASCOC) and (b) on what date (i) did (SASCOC) apply for the money and (ii) was the money transferred to SASCOC?
- Question 1527 – With reference to his reply to question 1107 on 22 June 2020, (a) on what type of leave are the two officials in the Industrial Financing Branch who have not reported for work since 2019, (b) for what period of time has each of the two officials been on the specified leave and (c) why were the names of the specified two officials not included in his reply to question 1107 on 22 June 2020;
- Question 1432 – What are the details of the events that led to Moody’s downgrading, from Ba1 to Ba 2, of the credit rating of the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC);
- Question 1431 – (1) Whether a certain person (name furnished) and/or any company with which he is associated is part of the media and communications service provider database and/or panel of the National Lotteries Commission (NLC);
(2) whether the specified person and/or any associated company of which he is a part has ever received any remuneration from the NLC in return for services rendered; if so, (a) on what date and (b) what was the value of the services rendered? - Question 1355 – Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a list of legal service providers who have rendered legal services on a consultancy and/or other basis to the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) over the past five financial years; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 1205 – What progress has been made in the negotiations between the Seriti Holdings, Coalzar and the Industrial Development Corporation regarding the development of the New Largo Coal Fields?
- Question 1140 – With reference to his reply to question 923 on 2 June 2020, what (a) is the name of each company from which the specified goods and/or services were purchased, (b) is the amount of each transaction and (c) was the service and/or product that each company rendered;
- Question 1109 – Supplementary Reply PQ-1109 Annexure NLC 50 organisations
- Question 1109 – What (a) are the names of the top 50 organisations in the past 10 financial years that received the highest amount of funding from the National Lottery and (b) was the value of funding in each case in each specified financial year;
- Question 1108 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 259 on 25 May 2020, he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a detailed list of the (a) names and (b) job titles of each employee of his department who incurred expenditure on business class flights?
- Question 1107 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 259 on 25 May 2020, he will furnish Mr M.J Cuthbert with the (a) names and (b) job titles of each employee of his department who has been on sabbatical leave since 1 January 2019; if not, in each case, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case;
- Question 1054 – WOn which provisions in the Lockdown Regulations did he rely to declare that an essential service certificate issued by the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission is a compulsory requirement for businesses to operate during the Lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19?
- Question 1045 – Whether he has convened any Ministers and Members of Executive Councils meetings since the start of the national lockdown to curb the spread of Covid-19; if not, why not; if so, (a) on what date was each meeting held and (b) what was on the agenda of each meeting?
- Supplementary Reply: Question 1039 – Annexure NLC Funding
- Supplementary Reply: Question 1039 – What (a) number of institutions and/or projects were funded to the value of R10 million or greater by the National Lottery, (b) was the funding intended for in each case and (c) are the names of the organisations that received such funding in each of the past 10 financial years;
- Question 1039 – What (a) number of institutions and/or projects were funded to the value of R10 million or greater by the National Lottery, (b) was the funding intended for in each case and (c) are the names of the organisations that received such funding in each of the past 10 financial years;
- Question 976 – What is the name of each person he consulted from the credit and banking sectors regarding the possible enactment of section 11 of the National Credit Amendment Act, Act 7 of 2019;
- Question 923 – Whether his department awarded any tenders connected to the COVID-19 pandemic; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) are the names of the businesses to whom these tenders were awarded, (b) are the amounts of each tender awarded and (c) was the service and/or product to be supplied by each business;
- Question 885 – Whether his department will offer any form of Covid-19 financial or other relief to small businesses; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details; whether the COVID-19 financial or other relief will only be allocated to qualifying small businesses according to the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003), as amended; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what statutory grounds and/or provisions does he or his department rely to allocate COVID-19 financial or other relief only to small businesses according to the specified Act and (b) what form of COVID-19 financial or other relief, if any, will be made available to other small businesses?
- Question 833 – With reference to the risk-adjusted approach, what (a) are the specific matrix indicators that he is looking at to make recommendations to advance to Level 3 and (b) thresholds need to be met at each point in the matrix in this regard?
- Question 832 – Whether, given that no logical rationale has been provided to South Africans and businesses for the restriction on the unfettered operation of e-commerce under the risk-adjusted approach and following his statement (details furnished), he can elaborate on (a) what the directions are and (b) by what date the directions will be made public?
- Question 831 – Whether the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa (IDC) will only allocate COVID-19 funding relief to qualifying entities according to the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Act, 2003 (Act No. 53 of 2003), as amended; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, (a) on what statutory grounds will the IDC’s COVID-19 funding relief rely to only allocate such funding to entities according to the specified Act and (b) what form of COVID-19 funding relief will be made available to other entities?
- Question 798 – What criteria are used to determine which sector of business can become functional at each level of the national lockdown to curb the Covid-19 pandemic; (2) whether he will make a statement on the matter?
- Question 779 – What (a) number of applications have been received for funding relief through the (i) Manufacturing Competitiveness Enhancement Programme COVID-19 Fund for Essential Supplies, (ii) Relief Funding for Companies in COVID-19 Distress and (iii) COVID-19 Black Business Funding Solutions in each province to date, (b) number of the specified applications have been (i) approved and (ii) rejected in each case in each
province and (c) was the Rand value of each (i) approved and (ii) rejected application in each case in each province? - Question 737 – Whether, with reference to the State of the Nation Address on 7 February 2019 in which the President of the Republic, Mr MC Ramaphosa, stated that all taverns, shebeens and liquor outlets near school premises must be shut down, any of the specified outlets near school premises have been shut down; if not, why not; if so, what number of the specified outlets (a) have been closed since the specified pronouncement and (b) within 500 meters of a school and/or educational institution are not yet shut down?
- Question 724 – With reference to the call by his department for public comments on the Government’s Draft Framework for the Risk-Adjusted Strategy to bring different sectors of the economy back to work, what role does his department play in reviewing submissions received from members of the public in determining the schedule of services to be phased in on each level of the Government’s Draft Framework for the Risk-Adjusted Strategy;
- Question 709 – What are the criteria by which the Company and Intellectual Property Commission allowed Uzalo to continue shooting follow-up episodes during the lockdown period to prevent the spread of COVID-19, while blocking others from doing the same?
- Question 689 – Whether (a) his department and (b) any entity reporting to him make use of private security firms; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, in each case, what is the (i) name of each firm, (ii) purpose, (iii) value and (iv) duration of each specified contract?
- Question 654 – Whether, as a participant on the board of the Solidarity Fund, he can provide details as to whether distributions from the fund or procurement by the fund are subject to Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment policies and legislation; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what is the rationale for this?
- Question 609 – Whether the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Commission
has published a list of fees for the 2020 financial year in accordance with the BroadBased Black Economic Empowerment Amendment Act, 2013 (Act No. 46 of 2013) and the Regulations of 2016 regarding the submission of B-BBEE compliance certificates for all companies; if not, why not; if so, what is the full breakdown of the fees applicable to all companies; - Question 598 – What total number of (a) applications for the South African Film and Television incentives has his department received since the reopening in August 2020 and (b) the specified applications have been granted?
- Question 595 – AGOA – Given that the African Growth and Opportunity Act, popularly known as the AGOA, which allows most sub-Saharan African countries duty-free access to the American market for almost 7,000 products is due to expire in 2025, and the fact that South Africa’s preferential market access to the United States of America is under review, what measures has he put in place to ensure that the outcomes of the discussions between South African officials with their American counterparts are favourable to the South African market?
- Question 595 – (a) What percentage of black women-owned businesses does the Industrial Development Corporation fund, (b) in what sectors are the women-owned businesses and (c) how does the specified percentage compare with the other demographics?
- Question 594 – What progress has his department made with putting measures in place to ensure the stability of the SA Bureau of Standards (SABS), especially in light of the coronavirus and the vital role that the SABS plays in verifying the standard of goods in the Republic?
- NCOP Question 564 – Whether his department has made any efforts to date to ensure that private information of individuals and entities in its possession is safeguarded from unlawful access by third parties; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 555 – What (a) progress has the Government made in respect of signing a trade deal with China to mitigate against the R6,9 billion trade deficit and (b) are the details of the Government’s position on trade relations with China, given that China has a net negative effect on the Republic’s economy?
- Question 546 – What (a) progress has the Government made in respect of signing a trade deal with China to mitigate against the R6,9 billion trade deficit and (b) are the details of the Government’s position on trade relations with China, given that China has a net negative effect on the Republic’s economy?
- Question 537 – (a) On what date was the SA Trade Policy and Strategy Framework last revised and/or updated and (b) what are the relevant details thereof;
- Question 526 – In view of the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent nationwide lockdown to curb the spread of Covid-19 that disrupted socio-economic activities, including the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area, what is the status of developments with regard to economic diplomacy and the economic integration of the continent?
- Question 525 – In view of the President of the Republic, Mr M.C Ramaphosa, in the State of the Nation Address on 7 February 2019 enjoining the Government to put measures in place to improve the Ease-of-Doing Business rankings of the Republic, what (a) steps has his department taken to improve the Republic’s rankings and (b) are the relevant details of the achievements in this regard?
- Question 524 Other Remunerative Work – Whether any staff member in his department (a) performed work outside normal working hours in addition to the responsibilities related to his or her work in the past five financial years and (b) has been performing such work during the period 1 April 2014 up to the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, in each case, how is it determined whether such work is being performed or not; if so, in each case, (i) what number of staff members and (ii) in what job
and/or work categories are the specified staff members employed; - Question 524 – What interventions will his department make to revive the manufacturing sector, especially the steel sector, which has contracted by 74,9% according to the Gross Domestic Product figures released by Statistics South Africa for the 2nd Quarter of 2020?
- Question 519 – Has the Competition Commission finalised its investigation into the inflation of prices by certain retail stores (names furnished); if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the applicable fines;
- Question 513 – Whether he has conducted a risk assessment of defaulting on the repayments of the Industrial Development Corporation loan by businesses that are affected by the coronavirus; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what (a) are the details of the risks and (b) plans are in place to deal with the risks?
- Question 512 – What lessons has he learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic in relation to the urgency of strengthening the local manufacturing of goods and (b) how will this influence the policy focus of his department in terms of promoting local beneficiation through boosting manufacturing in the Republic?
- Question 475 – Whether, with reference to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), and the requirement that member states should complete their tariff reduction schedules and finalise essential rules of origin by July 2021, (a) the Republic has submitted the tariff reduction schedule and (b) will she furnish Mr MJ Cuthbert with a copy of the tariff reduction and rules; if not, why not; if so, on what date;
- Question 466 – What total amount has the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) spent on (a) advertising placement and/or (b) media over the past 10 financial years;
- Question 426 – What (a)(i) total number of persons have directly benefited from the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) legislation since it was enacted in the 2003- 04 financial year and (ii) is the total number of persons from the B-BBEE in terms of (aa) each of the department’s 13 entities reporting to him and (bb) each entity’s respective empowerment programmes and (b) is the total economic value generated in this regard considering the principle that once a person is empowered the person will always be empowered?
- NCOP Question 416 – With reference to the pronouncements regarding the revitalisation project of rebuilding and reopening factories in Dimbaza in the Eastern Cape (details furnished), (a) when are the operational industries expected in Dimbaza and (b) what are the exact timelines in this regard?
- Question 408 – With regard to the approved funding to provide much-needed sanitation at Limpopo and Eastern Cape schools, (a) how were the contracts awarded to certain companies (names and details furnished), (b) which schools in each province were beneficiaries of the projects, (c) who were the members of the bid adjudication panel, (d) what were the details of the tender documents, (e) what were the contractual details in each case regarding the number of toilets to be built at each school, budget amount for each toilet and each school, (f) who are the owners of the specified companies, (g) what is the experience and qualifications that each company hold in this industry, (h) how is a certain person (name furnished) involved in both companies and (i) who was awarded the contracts that was successfully completed and signed off?
- Question 383 – Whether the Government has managed to achieve the targets it set itself to achieve through the Black Economic Empowerment programme in the past 10 years; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the further relevant details?
- Question 373 – With reference to his reply to question 2802 on 14 December 2020, (a) to whom did the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) pay the sum of R5,5 million, considering the fact that the specified organisation did not possess a bank account and (b) what (i) are the reasons the NLC was allowed to disburse funds to an organisation that did not possess a registered bank account, (ii) was the detailed breakdown of the costs involved in executing the project and (iii) is the physical address of where the project was completed in the Northern Cape;
- Question 372 – What has he found to be the impact on the transformation of the Republic’s economy after certain South African owned and controlled companies (names furnished) were taken over by multinational companies?
- NCOP Question 281 – How much is owed by his department in (i) current and (ii) overdue accounts to each metropolitan municipality and (b) what are the reasons for each amount in arrears?
- Question 265 – In the light of the detrimental effect that the lockdown regulations have had on the economy of the Republic in general and more specifically on trade and industry, and the continuous calls by the Government for a more inclusive economy and more intensified continuous drive for broad-based black economic empowerment, how does he foresee the creation of a new and more inclusive trade post Covid-19 without (a) the continuous exclusion of undesignated groups and (b) creating new inequalities?
- Question 260 – What has he found to be the rationale behind the Level 4 Black Economic Empowerment (BEE) requirement for manufacturers as contained within the Automotive Industry Masterplan;
- Question 259 – Whether he will furnish Mr M J Cuthbert with a copy of his department’s policy on sabbatical leave for officials; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 257 – What amount has the National Lottery paid to the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee specifically for funds to be transferred to the Commonwealth Bid Committee in each of the past three financial years?
- Question 256 – Whether, with reference to his undertaking in his reply to question 426 on 25 May 2020, he will furnish Mr M.J Cuthbert with the more comprehensive set of metrics relating to the (a) number of persons who benefitted directly from the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment legislation since it was enacted in the 2003-04 financial year and (b) total economic value generated in this regard; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 255 – By what date does the National Lotteries Commission intend to provide information relating to its Covid-19 Relief Fund of R150 million to the Portfolio Committee on Trade, Industry and Competition as requested by the Committee?
- Question 248 – With reference to the risk-adjusted approach, what (a) are the specific matrix indicators that he is looking at to make recommendations to advance to Level 3 and (b) thresholds need to be met at each point in the matrix in this regard?
- Question 247 – (a) On what legislation that falls within his department did he rely to enact financial and economic relief measures to low-income South Africans specifically during the state of national disaster and (b) to what effect has this been done?
- Question 225 – What is the Government’s industrial strategy to create a new economy that will (a) stimulate manufacturing and (b) create sustainable jobs post Covid-19?
- Question 221 – What steps has his department taken to prepare for the effective and maximum implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement;
- Question 217 – What number of applications by companies owned by black women has the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) rejected because of incomplete application forms in the period 1 January 2015 up to 31 December 2019;
- Question 217 (Oral Parliamentary Question)– Whether he and/or his department intends to commission the manufacturing of personal protective equipment through a state-owned company; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 215 – What (a) number of (i) companies have benefited from the black industrialist programme since its establishment and (ii) jobs have been created by each company and (b) are the relevant details of the (i) name of each company, (ii) directors and (iii) number of directors in each specified case?
- Question 211 – Richards Bay IDZ – Whether the Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone entered into a lease agreement with (a) Power and Water Developments (Pty) Ltd (2015/3351116/07) and/or (b) Richards Bay Gas Power 2 (Pty) Ltd, represented by a certain Mr Dion Wilmans; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what are the details of each lease agreement entered into with each of the specified companies, including (i) the period of the lease, (ii) any costs and other amounts involved and (iii) any other relevant details;
- Question 211 – Whether, with reference to the latest balance of trade figures for the Republic issued by the SA Revenue Service that show an accumulated general trade surplus of R116 billion for 2017 to the last quarter of 2019, and a trade deficit amounting to approximately R96 billion with China, his department is considering quotas on imports from China to protect local manufacturers and to prevent further job losses; if not, why not; if so, what are the (a) relevant details and (b) timelines;
- Question 205 – With reference to the top 10 investigations into overpricing in the Republic during the Lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19, what (a) are the names of the companies that were involved in the specified overpricing? (b) is the status of the specified investigations?
- Question 198 – With reference to his reply to question 2813 on 14 December 2020, what (a) are the full audited figures pertaining to how the R8 290 000,00 was spent on the magazine, (b) total number issues of the magazine were published and (c) total number of copies were printed;
- Question 197 – With reference to his reply to question 2802 on 14 December 2020, (a) what are the reasons that the National Lotteries Commission cannot account for R22 320 758 million of the grant, (b) what total amount was the property on ERF 1221 Schaap Kraal (i) bought and (ii) sold for and (c) which individual and/or organisation bought the property,
- Question 196 – With reference to his reply to question 2803 on 15 December 2020, (a) what are the reasons that the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) cannot account for R12 531 300 from the initial grant, (b) what action is the NLC taking to account for the missing funds and (c) why can the NLC not list the infrastructure bought;
- Question 192 – How does the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) intend to support the South African athletes who will be participating in the Olympics in Birmingham in Alabama, United States, in 2021, given the financial challenges faced by the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee and (b) what is the role of the NLC in promoting women sport in the Republic through its funding?
- Question 191 – Whether the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) funded any organisation which belongs to a certain person (name furnished) or an organisation of which the specified person is a director; if so, (a) whether he will provide the details of the organisation(s) to Mr. TW Mhlongo and (b) what amount was granted in each case;
- NCOP Question 181 – How long does it take for his Department to respond to customers who lodged complaints regarding price hikes and (b) how many cases have been resolved thus far?
- Question 171 – (a) What total number of Automotive Investment Scheme (AIS) approvals (i) are outstanding and (ii) require approval for the 2018-19 financial year, (b) what are the names of the relevant companies that are still waiting and (c) how long have they been waiting to be approved;
- Question 170 – (a) What number of section 12I allowances which (i) are to be considered by the adjudication committee and (ii) have been submitted to his department are outstanding and require approval, (b) what are the relevant details of each company name and (c) how long they have been waiting to be approved;
- Question 169 – With reference to his reply to question 1738 on 7 January 2020, what are the details of the outcomes of the arbitration that took place on 16 and 17 January 2020;
- Question 159 – What expenditure has been incurred by his department as a result of the Treasury Instruction Note No. 8 that was published on 19 March 2020, which allowed for the relaxations in procurement processes and (b) how has his department adhered to the regulations that were set down in such an Instruction Note?
- NCOP Question 159 – What expenditure has been incurred by his department as a result of the Treasury Instruction Note No. 8 that was published on 19 March 2020, which allowed for the relaxations in procurement processes and (b) how has his department adhered to the regulations that were set down in such an Instruction Note?
- Question 152 – By what date (a) does he envisage the forensic investigation into the conduct and payments to Ndzabandzaba Attorneys launched in 2018 will be completed and (b) will the outcomes of the forensic investigation be made public?
- NCOP Question 147 – Whether he has been informed that butcheries across the country are allegedly selling expired meat products; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, what actions are being taken to address the matter?
- Question 139 – With reference to a certain tender (details furnished) from the National Lotteries Commission, what (a) was the total amount the tender was worth, (b)(i) was the total number of persons who were bidders for this tender, (ii) are all their full names and (c) was the scope of the work pertaining to the tender, including the work done?
- Question 92 – Why does South Africa’s ranking in the World Bank’s 2020 Ease of Doing Business Report remain at 84 despite his department and the World Bank having set up a working group to address the country’s poor performance in the 2019 version of the report; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
- Question 91 – What was the cost of his trip to the meeting of the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in terms of (a) flights and accommodation, (b) daily allowance and (c) the (i) number of employees from his private office that attended and (ii) total cost for them to attend;
- Question 90 – Has he been informed of the pending liquidation of a certain company (Yekani Manufacturing) based in East London;
- Question 64 – With regard to the African Continental Free Trade Area, what budget has been allocated specifically for trade promotion in the medium term for South African manufacturers to take advantage of this agreement?
- Question 63 – Whether the National Lotteries Commission has received applications from the South African Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee in support of delivering TeamSA to the (a) 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and (b) 2020 Tokyo Paralympic Games; if so, (i) what are the relevant details of the applications, (ii) why was funding not paid out and (iii) on what date is it envisaged that the funds will be paid out?
- Question 62 – Whether he has extended the contract of a certain person (name and details furnished); if so, (a) for what period and (b) what provisions did he rely on to do so?
- NCOP Question 46 – What progress has been made (a) thus far with the establishment of Industrial Special Zones (details furnished) and (b) in Dimbaza in the Eastern Cape in this regard?
- Question 29 – What (a) is the contribution of goat farming to the Republic’s agricultural export from 2014 to 2019 and (b) are the details of each destination and the form of export of goat as (i) livestock and/or (ii) processed meat exported to each destination?
- Question 1738 – Whether, with reference to his reply to question 567 on 16 September 2019, the Chief Director who had been suspended for 729 days was placed on suspension for dealings in information technology (IT) procurement with a certain company (name furnished);
- Question 1719 – On what date will the building of the Mulilo Power Station at the SA Energy and Metallurgical Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Limpopo start;
- Question 1718 – Whether, with reference to the SA Energy and Metallurgical Special Economic Zone in Limpopo, he will furnish Ms A M M Weber with a copy of the (a) agreement between the President, Mr M C Ramaphosa, and the Chinese government for the investment of R145 billion in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) and (b) environmental impact assessment for the SEZ Musina-Makhado in Limpopo;
- Question 1663 – What amount of funding did his department contribute towards the March to Freedom exhibition in the City of Cape Town on 15 November 2019 and (b) how has he found did this fulfil the mandate of his department?
- Question 1649 – With reference to his reply to question 1293 on 18 November 2019, wherein he indicated that the second phase of the Ekandustria Revitalisation Programme has not been initiated yet, pending funding approval, (a) why was budget for the Ekandustria Revitalisation Programme not set aside for the 2019-20 financial year, (b) what further phases and deliverables are planned for the (i) 2019-20 and (ii) 2020-21 financial years for the specified programme and (c) what are the budgetary estimates for expenditure for the specified financial years for the specified programme?
- Question 1379 – Whether his department did business with certain (a) persons, (b) companies and (c) trusts (names and details furnished in each case) (i) in each of the past five financial years and (ii) since 1 April 2019; if so, (aa) on what date(s) did his department do business with the specified persons, companies and trusts and (bb) what was the (aaa) nature and (bbb) monetary value of each business arrangement?
- Question 1307 – (a) Which international trips that were undertaken by officials of his department since 1 April 2014 were (i) related to the (aa) SA Copyright law and (bb) International Copyright law and (ii) sponsored by international corporations and (b) what is the name of each international corporation that sponsored each trip?
- Question 1306 – What are the details of all international trips that were undertaken by officials of his department since 2014, in each case, including the (a) date of the trip, (b) destination, (c) duration of the trip, (d) name of each official on the trip, (e) job title of each official on the trip, (f) purpose of the trip, (g) name of the conference or event attended and (h) name of each sponsor of the (i) trip and (ii) conference/event attended?
- Question 1293 – With reference to his reply to question 802 on 14 October 2019, wherein he indicated that the first phase of the Ekandustria Revitalisation Programme was completed on 27 March 2019, what (a) are the deliverables for the second phase of the programme, (b) is the progress of the second phase as at the latest specified date for which information is available, (c) is the envisaged completion date of the second phase and (d) amount has been budgeted or allocated to the second phase in the 2019-20 financial year?
- Question 1259 – What (a) is the current total cost of renovating the Credo Mutwa museum and library in Kuruman, Northern Cape and (b) amount was (i) allocated for the specific library, house and museum project by (aa) the Northern Cape government and (bb) his department and (ii) donated by the National Lotteries commission towards the construction of the Credo Mutwa museum;
- Question 1208 – What (a) has been the basic salary of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the National Empowerment Fund in each of the past three financial years, (b) benefits has the CEO been entitled to and (c) bonus has been paid to the CEO in each financial year?
- Question 1182 – Whether his department incurred any costs related to the (a) inauguration of the President of the Republic, Mr M C Ramaphosa, held in Pretoria on 25 May 2019 and (b) State of the Nation Address held in Cape Town on 20 June 2019; if so, in each case, (i) what costs were incurred and (ii) for what reason.
- Question 1134v– With reference to the Second Quarter report of his department’s 2019-20 budget, what steps will be taken to fill the 125 vacancies within his department.
- Question 1133 – With reference to the second quarter report of the 2019-20 budget of his department, what are the reasons for the (a) 20,2% variance from projected expenditure, (b) 55,5% variance from projected expenditure in Programme 6 and (c) 88,2% variance in projected expenditure under the payments for capital assets line item.
- Question 1132 – With reference to his reply to question 567 on 16 September 2019, what is the total amount that his department paid in remuneration to each of the 10 suspended employees who are currently facing disciplinary action?
- Question 757 – Whether his department hosted any event and/or function related to its 2019 Budget Vote debate; if so, (a) where was each event held, (b) what was the total cost of each event and (c) what is the name of each person who was invited to attend each event as a guest?
- Question 722 – Whether his department has invested or intends to invest money in the Highveld Industrial Park near Emalahleni in Mpumalanga; if so, (a) what amount (i) was spent in the previous financial year and (ii) does his department intend to spend in the next financial year, (b) what number of (i) new businesses are assisted and (ii) new jobs are created in the project and (c) what (i) development and (ii) support measures is his department planning for entrepreneurs who are interested to start-up businesses in the industrial park?
- Question 636 – What is the status of the B-BBEE Commission investigation into the case number: 3/7/2017 between certain entities (details furnished), (b) on what date was the case first brought forward to the commission and (c) when will the (i) investigation be completed and (ii) findings released?
- Question 632 – What (a) total amount has (i) his department and (ii) each of the entities reporting to him spent on (aa) cleaning, (bb) security and (cc) gardening services in the (aaa) 2017-18 and (bbb) 2018-19 financial years, (b) amount was paid to each service provider to provide each specified service and (c) total amount was paid to each of the service providers?
- Question 599 – Which South African companies with manufacturing capacity in the Republic are able to produce (a) train carriages and (b) train lines?
- Question 598 – How many tonnes of Rooibos tea were produced in the country in each of the past five years and (b)(i) how many of the total produced tonnes were exported and (ii) at what Rand value?
- Question 567 – With reference to the 10 disciplinary cases and three suspensions in the Annual Performance Plan for 2019-2022 of his department, (a) what are the reasons for each (i) disciplinary action and (ii) suspension being instituted against each person, (b) what is the job title of each person in each case, (c) what are the reasons each disciplinary case has not been finalised and (d) how long has each person been suspended?
- Question 566 – Whether there are tariff exemptions on goods imported with the intention of doing humanitarian work; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 564 – Whether, since 1994, the Industrial Development Corporation has given any loan to (a) certain persons (names furnished) and/or (b) any company of which any of the specified persons is a direct or indirect shareholder or director; if so, in each case, (i) on what date was each such loan granted, (ii) to which company was the loan granted, (iii) for what amount was the loan and (iv) what amount of the loan has been repaid to date?
- Question 563 – Whether, since 1994, the Industrial Development Corporation has given any loan to (a) certain persons (names furnished) and/or (b) any company of which any of the specified persons is a direct or indirect shareholder or director; if so, in each case, (i) on what date was each such loan granted, (ii) to which company was the loan granted, (iii) for what amount was the loan and (iv) what amount of the loan has been repaid to date?
- Question 562 – Whether the Industrial Development Corporation has given any loan since 1994 to certain persons (names furnished) and/or any company of which each of the specified persons is a shareholder, direct or indirect, or director; if so, (a) on what date was each loan granted, (b) to which company, (c) for what amount and (d) what amount of the loan has been repaid to date in each case?
- Question 446 – What (a) total amount has been set aside for the Nkomazi Special Economic Zone destined to improve the lives of the communities beyond the southern border of the Kruger National Park in Mpumalanga and (b) are the relevant details of the individual projects that make up the specified amount?
- Question 421 – What (a) has he found to be the causes of the Republic’s decline in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Report from position 32 in 2009 to position 82 in 2019 and (b) steps has his department taken to ensure that the Republic turns around its continued decline?
- Question 396 – What was the total cost for the investigations, including legal fees and travel with respect to case (a) 2/3/2018, (b) 3/3/2018, (c) 4/3/2018, (d) 5/3/2018 and (e) 6/3/2018 investigated by the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) commission into fraudulent BEE certificates by certain companies (names furnished)?
- Question 395 – (a) What amount has been spent to date on the Industrial Parks Revitalisation Programme run by his department, (b) what concessions by provincial or local governments for businesses that have invested in the parks have been secured to date, (c) what incentives are available for businesses that (i) are conducted in the parks and (ii) want to invest in the parks, (d) what investment promotion is done by his department for businesses in the parks, (e) what support does his department provide to businesses that have invested in or plan to invest in the parks and (f)(i) what new businesses have invested in the parks since the programme began and (ii) to what value?
- Question 376 – What (a) number of official international trips is (i) he and (ii) his deputies planning to undertake in the 2019-22 medium term expenditure framework, (b) will the (i) destination, (ii) date, (iii) purpose and (iv) number of persons who will travel with the delegation be and (c) is the detailed breakdown of the expected cost of (i) flights, (ii) accommodation and (iii) any other expenses in each case?
- Question 353 – What steps has his department taken to prepare the Republic for the opportunities that will flow from Parliament’s ratification of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA) that was ratified by the member states of the African Union (AU) and subsequently launched by the AU Summit held in Niger and (b) how can the AfCFTA be used to facilitate greater growth in high value-added exports?
- Question 348 – What action is his department taking to (a) help sustain the recently liquidated Coniglio Rabbit Farms and (b) assist the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Land Reform which was closely involved in this business?
- Question 341 – Whether he intends to ban foreign-owned business from certain sectors in the Republic; if not, what is the position in this regard; if so, how will such a ban promote the intention of the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement?
- Question 337 – Whether there is anything that could still be done by the Government to prevent the closure of the Saldanha steel factory, which will close down soon and cause 900 people to lose their jobs?
- Question 334 – What measures he has put in place to protect jobs in the sugar industry?
- Question 333 – What work is he doing with regard to the Generalised System of Preferences review instituted by the Office of the United States Trade Representative to mitigate the exclusion of the Republic from the preferential trade deal?
- Question 309 – On what date (a) will the investigation by his department into the National Lotteries Commission, as requested by the Portfolio Committee on Trade and Industry in December 2018, be finalised and (b) does he intend to present the outcome of the investigation to the specified committee?
- Question 291 – What (a) total amount is budgeted for his private office for the 2019-20 financial year and (b) was the (i) total remuneration, (ii) salary level, (iii) job title, (iv) qualification and (v) job description of each employee appointed in his private office since 1 May 2019?
- Question 271 – Whether his department has introduced tariff and nontariff measures to protect the country’s primary agricultural industry from unfair competition from outside countries; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 242 – (a) Whether, with regard to the testing of electrical equipment by the SA Bureau of Standards (SABS), the high voltage laboratory is functional, (b) what number of tests on individual electoral equipment has SABS conducted over the past seven years, (c) what income has been generated from the tests, (d) what number of persons work on the electoral equipment testing facility and (e) what is the annual cost of running the unit;
- Question 231 – When last did his department use a white hat hacker to identify possible security gaps in their information technology system and cyber security threats;
- Question 175 – Whether the Government subsidises in any way the (a) import and/or (b) production of electric vehicles; if not, why not in each case; if so, in each case, what (i) are the relevant details, (ii) number of companies involved in the import or production of electric vehicles receive such subsidies and (iii) is the current volume of electric vehicles (aa) produced locally and (bb) imported?
- Question 168 – By what date will he release the report to the public of the investigation into allegations of corruption at the Competition Commission which he commissioned in or around February 2019?
- Question 167 – Whether (a) a certain person (name and details furnished), (b) any family member(s) of the specified person and/or (c) any company, that the specified person is a (i) shareholder or (ii) director of, received any loans from the Industrial Development Corporation since 1 April 2005; if so, (aa) on what date was the loan granted, (bb) to which company or person, (cc) for what amount and (dd) what amount of the loan has been repaid to date in each case?
- Question 98 – Whether his department has any (a) reports, (b) research and/or (c) information on the impact that betting firms have on the youth through the use of social media platforms; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
- Question 96 – What are the full relevant details of the steps he is taking, together with the Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, to ensure that the commercial cultivation of hemp in the Republic is legalised?
- Question 54 – What is the total value of all furniture (a) produced in the Republic in 2018 and (b) sold to South African consumers in 2018?
- Question 53 – What number of (a) car parts were produced in the Republic in 2018 in terms of (i) make of car and (ii) part and (b) cars were assembled in the Republic in 2018 in terms of each car make?
- Question 42 – In terms of the provisions of the Public Administration Management Act, 2014 (Act No. 11 of 2014), (a) how many employees of his department have been found to have been directors and/or members of private companies that are doing business with the State from 1 February 2017 up to the latest specified date for which information is available and (b) what is the value of the business by companies with state employees as directors and/or members?
Parliament 5th Administration
- Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly March 2019
- Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly 2018
- Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly 2017
- Parliamentary Questions – National Council of Provinces: March 2014 – March 2019
- Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly 2016
- Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly 2015
- Parliamentary Questions – National Assembly 2014