Bids Cancelled

Notification to All Prospective Bidders: Scam Alert!!

  1. The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) has been alerted of scams
    targeting potential bidders.
  2. The mode of operating involves the fraudsters claiming to be an official/Bid Evaluation
    Committee/Bid Adjudication Committee member of the dtic. The fraudster/s would
    contact the bidders and request money in order for the bidder to be awarded the
  3. Bidders are therefore warned to not engage with these impostors claiming to be officials from the dtic and immediately inform the department via the following email address:

Cancelled Bids

  • RFQ SCM NOV 1: The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) Invites Interested Service Providers to Submit Proposals for Conducting an Independent Validation on The Quality of the dtic’s Internal Audit Function.
  • Bid dtic 07/24-25: To Appoint not more than Five (5) Registered Audit or Accounting Firms to Conduct Basic and Comprehensive Project Due Diligence, Project Inspections, Project Claims/Expenditure Verifications and Development of the dtic Compatible Cash Flow and Contingent Liability Management Systems for Incentive Schemes and or Funds Administered by the Incentive Branch (IB).
  • Bid dtic 03/23-24: Renewal of Backup Solution Licenses (Huawei Hardware, Commvault Software) Including Maintenance and Support for a Period of Five (5) Years
  • Bid dtic 01/23-24: Subscription to an Off-The-Shelf Global and Country Consumer-Based Industry Online System to be Utilized by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) for a Period of Three (3) Years.
  • Bid dtic 09/22-23: Appointment of a service provider to license and maintain the department’s existing Trellix/McAffee web gateway and web reporter security environment for a period of three years.
  • Bid dtic 06/22-23: Appointment of a Service Provider to Conduct Organizational Redesign of the Fit-For-Purpose Organizational and Functional Structure of the dtic Over a Period of (1) Year.
  • Bid dtic 05/22-23: Appointment of a Service Provider to License and Maintain the Department’s Existing Trellix/McAffee Web Gateway and Web Reporter Security Environment for a Period of Three Years.
  • Bid dtic 03/21-22: Renewal of Trend Micro Security Licences for a Period of 3 Years With Software Maintenance and Support
  • Bid dtic 01/21-22 (2): Appointment of up to Five (3) Registered Audit or Accounting Firms to Conduct Basic and Comprehensive Project Due Diligence, Project Inspections, Project Claims/Expenditure Verifications and Development of the dtic Compatible Cash Flow and Contingent Liability Management Systems for Incentive Schemes and or Funds Administered by the dtic.
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