Research Reports
- Cabinet approves South African Automotive Masterplan (2035) and its post-2020 Automotive Production and Development Programme (APDP)The masterplan presents the aspirational vision, objectives and strategic framework agreed upon by industry stakeholders to optimally develop the South African automotive industry through to 2035. South African Automotive Masterplan (2035)
- SA/EU Creative Industries Trade Dialogue Project: A Summary of Findings and Proposed Action. The Departments of Trade, Industry and Competiton and Arts and Culture participated in the SA-EU Trade Dialogue project managed by Arterial Network of South Africa, Visual Artists Network of South Africa (VANSA) and EUNIC-SA who had successfully applied for and been awarded funds from the EU Cultural Fund to conduct research focusing on the volume and trends of trade in cultural goods between South Africa and EU member states. The overall objective of the project was to contribute to the generation of meaningful and accessible data and information on the trade in cultural goods and services between SA and the EU. It should be noted that this report and the recommendations contained therein, does not necessarily reflect the views and the policy stance of the dtic. The report as compiled by Arterial Network of South Africa, VANSA and EUNIC-SA can be found here
- The Economic Contribution of Copyright-Based Industries in South Africa
- Technology Trends
- Consumer Energy Saving Device
- Study to identify electronic assemblies, sub-assemblies and components that may be manufactured in South Africa
- The Fund for Research into Industrial Development, Growth and Equity (FRIDGE) Research FRIDGE is funded by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competiton (the dtic). It is managed by a Sub-committee of NEDLAC, and its funds are administered by the IDC. FRIDGE funds investigations, studies and facilitation processes leading to the generation of information, knowledge, and/or “action” initiatives which are aimed at improving South African industry’s global economic competitiveness. The fundamental aim of FRIDGE is to fund research into studies where major deliverables of the study are implementable policy outcomes based on objective facts emanating from that study. The following documents are in PDF Format.
- Study into the establishment of an aroma and fragrance fine chemicals value chain in South Africa
- Administered Prices Study on Economic Inputs
- Prices, Investment and Efficiency on the Railways
- Study to Explore the Retention and Creation of Employment in The South African Automobile Sector
- Effect of the Trade Agreement Between SACU and EFTA on The South African Chemical Industry
- Effect of the Trade Agreement Between SACU and Mercosur on The Southern African Customs Union Chemical Industry
- Effect of the Trade Agreement Between SACU and USA on The Southern African Customs Union Chemical Industry
- Chemicals Sector Summit Preparation Project
- Overall executive summary
- Government support mechanisms (Step 2)
- Information System Strategy (Step 4)
- Polypropylene Trade Flow Analysis (Step 5)
- Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises in the South African Chemicals Sector
- Study to Prepare Various South African Manufacturing Sectors for Effective Negotiations for the Proposed SACU/China and SACU/India Trade Negotiations
- Report No.4 India Stainless Steel
- Report No.5 India Chemicals Final report
- Report No.5 India Chemicals Revised Version
- Report No.6 India Metals CPG Revision
- Report No.7 China the Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Leather Sectors
- Report No.8 China Stainless Steel
- Report No.10 China Automotive Sector
- Report No.11 China Metals
- A study on the impact of Upstream Pricing Practices in the chemical sector on the development of the South African Chemical Sector as a whole
- Development of Quantitive Measures of Performance for a Proposed Stakeholder Accord on Water Conservation and Implementation of Recommendations from Studies of Water Quality.
- Consolidated Recommendations on South African Water Quality
- Guideline for Baseline Water Use Determination and Target Setting in the Commercial Sector
- Guideline for Baseline Water Use Determination and Target Setting in the Mining Sector
- Guideline for Baseline Water Use Determination and Target Setting in the Manufacturing Sector
- Guideline for Establishing Baseline Water Use and Water Conservation Targets in the Irrigation Sector
- Development of a Stakeholder Accord on Water Conservation (INTERGRATED REPORT)
- Summary of Water Quality Risks
- Study to provide an overview of the use of Economic Instruments and develop Sectoral Plans to mitigate the effects of Climate Change
- ICD FRIDGE Research Project:
Comprehensive research into various areas of customs fraud and illegal imports, with a view to identifying mechanisms and structures which could be utilised to combat the current unacceptably high levels of fraud or illegal importation in various identified sectors.- Customs Fraud and Illegal Imports Final Report (Phase 1-4)
- A study into approaches to minimise the impact of electricity price increases on the poor