Posted: February 26, 2020
Deputy Minister Majola to Launch Specialised Industrial Facility in Eastern Cape |
Following the successful launch of the Specialised Industrial Facility (SIF) in Gauteng, the Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Mr Fikile Majola will unveil the second Specialised Industrial Facility at the Lovedale Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College, in King Williams Town, on Friday, 28 February 2020. Specialised Industrial Facilities are pilot centres funded by the African Development Bank (AfDB) to support skills development for students and provide technology access to Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) to improve their productivity and create job opportunities. The areas of focus that will be supported with efficient SIF equipment include construction, metal fabrication, jewellery manufacturing, agro-processing and vehicle maintenance. According to Majola, the objective of the launch is to showcase the services of the Department of Trade and Industry, (the dti) and to create awareness to the community about the significance of the SIF and address ways to access it. “The overall objective of the SIF is to establish design centre and production units in order to improve SMMEs’ business performance and productivity. The project will also create testing facilities within the SIF for appropriate technologies that are accessible for SMMEs to enhance quality of their products and develop employment opportunities,” says Majola. Majola adds that the targeted SMMEs will further receive business development services support from the college in order to grow and sustain their industries. He says students will also get the opportunity to hone their skills by using equipment in the SIF. The Acting Principal of Lovedale TVET College, Ms Juanita Verster says the partnership with the dti is most welcome, as it is aligned with the strategic objective of the college to enhance entrepreneurial initiatives, and support upcoming SMMEs in the area. “This opportunity is extremely relevant and timed most appropriately; as TVET colleges, government and industries are currently gearing up for the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Our college will now be able to explore the latest technologies and capacitate our students, staff and most importantly our community,” she adds. The partnership between the dti and Lovedale TVET College will run for a period of three years for the implementation of the SIF project plan. Enquiries: Sidwell Medupe-Departmental Spokesperson Tel: (012) 394 1650 Mobile: 079 492 1774 E-mail: Issued by: The Department of Trade and Industry Follow us on Twitter: @the_dti |