Posted: April 29, 2021
Proudly South African, the country’s official buy local advocacy campaign today launched its dedicated Furniture Portal during a webinar attended by furniture manufacturers, designers, retailers and other interested stakeholders.
The portal responds to the imperative, as outlined in the Furniture Sector Master Plan that was adopted on 29th March this year, to assist a sector which has suffered a decline in recent years yet it has the capacity for massive job creation.
The portal provides a non-transactional site which, when fully populated, will be a valuable resource for any purchasers of furniture from private consumers, to large corporates and any public sector body. The latter is mandated under the terms of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act to procure locally manufactured furniture at thresholds of between 85% (office furniture) and 100% (school furniture). Bed bases and mattresses carry a 90% local content threshold level.
The CEO of Proudly South African, Eustace Mashimbye, said that all of their work is aimed at showcasing supply and stimulating demand for locally manufactured goods and services, in this case furniture.
“We work to support the dtic’s sectoral master plans, and this important industry is no exception. We look forward to seeing the content of the portal expand now that it has been launched and we encourage anyone who procures furniture to refer to the portal before looking anywhere else ” said Mashimbye.
The Director of Resource Based Industries at the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition, Ms Tafadzwa Nyanzunda reiterated that the now launched Proudly South African (Proudly SA) Furniture portal will help reach objectives of the South African Furniture Industry Masterplan, which was adopted on 29 March, this year.
“We are delighted that that this portal will provide solutions to the companies that do not only have limited resources in terms of marketing their products, but also empower them on ecommerce and expertise. This platform will certainly increase the visibility of local furniture brands and will deliver invaluable data regarding consumer shopping patterns. I would like to take this opportunity to invite all the companies that have not yet joined the Proudly South African Furniture Portal to join and take part in making South Africa Furniture their preferred brand. Together we can make this industry grow,” she said.
Link to the portal :
Sidwell Medupe-Departmental Spokesperson
Tel: (012) 394 1650
Mobile: 079 492 1774
Issued by: The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition
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