The Deparment of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic), in partnership with the Export Credit Insurance Company (ECIC), the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) and the South African Electrotechnical Export Council (SAEEC) will  host the Energy Inward Buying and Investment Mission from 15-20 July 2024.

Forty delegates operating in the energy sector from twelve countries in the rest of the continent will be part of the mission, which commences with a business forum in    Johannesburg and concludes with the Africa Energy Colloquim Cape Town. The mission will comprise business-to-business meetings as well as sites visits to key South African manufacturing companies and utilities to showscase the country’s capacity.

Furthermore, the week-long mission will expose the formulators and owners of energy projects from the continent to South African capabilities and competencies, thereby enabling the procurement of South African goods and services in the energy sector.

The Deputy Director-General of Exports at the dtic, Ms Lerato Mataboge, says a key component of the mission will be the presentation of energy projects by the African delegates to South African businesses and financial institutions. She says this will allow South African producers to identify energy projects in various countries which will benefit from procuring  South African energy-efficient products, engineering services and cutting-edge technology.

“South Africa enjoys a market share of between 7-16 % in only six of the African countries; the share in the remain market is our region is below 5%. Given the focus on increased Intra-African trade through the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA) as well as the desire of South African exporters to grow their export revenues; this mission becomes a strategic lever to realising our ambitions of doubling our market share of electrical engineering goods and services up to 10% or more,” she says.

For media enquiries and interview requests:
Bongani Lukhele – Director: Media Relations
Tel: (012) 394 1643
Mobile: 079 5083 457
WhatsApp: 074 2998 512
Issued by: The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic)
Follow us on X: @the_dtic

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