The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) in partnership with the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) in Germany have collaborated to provide a mentorship programme (The Manager Training Programme) through GIZ, Germany as an implementing agency. The programme is designed to expose South African companies to the German business culture, whilst capacitating them to trade within the European Union. Further to that, the programme seeks to deepen the common economic relations of the two countries.
The programme will be offered for a period of eight weeks virtually by German training centers. The method of engagement encompasses approximately three days per week/3 hours per day. Participants will gain and improve their management skills through practical training, which is broken down into virtual modules on modern business management and on establishing international business relations.
The programme will also include active participation of German enterprises in a form of business-to-business engagements with South African companies. GIZ will also facilitate on-site visits to German companies virtually to share their management information practices and exchange experiences with South African companies. The approach will give South African participants a platform to establish new contacts, negotiate business opportunities and expand business activities during individual virtual meetings.
Interested companies can send their applications to Tshepo Maroga at or 012 394 5624 before end of business on 05 March 2021.
The applications should include the following:
- Promotion Virtual Manager Training Programme South Africa
- Application form
- Company profile
- Declaration form
- Acknowledgement form
The Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic) is committed to continuously promote the export growth of South African companies through various interventions, ranging from Export Development to Promotional activities. In this instance, the Department has partnered with GIZ of Germany to better prepare South African companies for the German market through Manager Training Programme. This is an eight weeks training programme that seek to attract capable companies with potential to export their products and services to the German market and Europe at large. The impact of Covid-19 has restricted the training to be offered online, with three hours a day of attendance, which will also include virtual site visits to potential partners in Germany.
The programme has previously benefitted 59 South African companies from 2019, with some of them managed to secure business deals through arranged Business to Business meeting sessions. The success of the programme has prompted the German counterpart to continue the existing partnership and proposed to further capacitate 20 South African companies and introduce them to the German market through the programme.
All applicants will undergo through a selection and interview process as a set criteria to join the programme. Interested companies are encouraged to duly complete the attached application form, including provision of a comprehensive company profile that demonstrate your business model.