Design and implement policies, strategies and programmes to strengthen the ability of manufacturing and other sectors of the economy, to create decent jobs, promote inclusion and increase value addition and competitiveness, in both domestic and export markets
Description of Sub-Programmes
- Industrial Competitiveness designs and implement policies, strategies and programmes to strengthen the ability of manufacturing and other sectors of the economy, to create decent jobs and increase value-addition and competitiveness in both domestic and export markets. It is responsible for Technical Infrastructure and other programmes that contribute to these objectives. In order to support this work, R2.5 billion will be transferred to technical institutions to support sectoral work on Master Plans, industrialisation and competitiveness improvement projects. In addition, a further R402 million will be utilised over the medium term to promote localisation, and support skill improvement intervention through non-profit organisations.
- Customised Sector Programmes designs and implements policies, strategies and programmes to strengthen the ability of manufacturing and other sectors of the economy, to inclusively create decent jobs, promote incusing and increase value addition and competitiveness, in both domestic and export markets. It is responsible for programmes run in conjunction with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and other programmes that contribute to these objectives. Over the medium term, 1.8 billion will be transferred to the IDC for the Clothing, Textiles, Leather and Footwear sectors
Strategic focus for 2023/24
The strategic focus of the Sector programme for 2023/24 will be to intensify the efforts towards the increasing industrialisation, enhancing competitiveness and creating decent jobs through various sector interventions. The Masterplans is one of the instruments used to achieve this in conjunction with all relevant branches across the dtic. As such, the branch will also develop one Masterplan in the Medical Devices sector. The branch will continue to focus on the implementation of Masterplans, notably the Automotives, Poultry, Sugar, Steel & Metal Fabrication, Clothing & Textiles and Furniture Masterplans. In addition to the Masterplans the branch will also focus on the implementation of various programmes and projects across various sectors which include but no restricted to Aerospace and Defence; Electro technical Industries and White Goods; Construction; Chemicals, Cosmetics, Plastics and Pharmaceuticals.