


Increase export capacity and support direct investment flows, through targeted strategies, and an effectively managed network of foreign trade and investment offices.

Description of Sub-Programmes

  • Africa Bilateral Economic Relations facilitates deeper and broader bilateral African trade and investment relations with African economies and supports the deepening of regional integration.
  • Export Promotion and Marketing promotes exports of South African value-added goods and services to increase market share in targeted high-growth markets and sustain market share in traditional markets.
  • Trade and Investment Foreign Services Management Unit promotes trade and investment and administers and provides corporate services to the department’s foreign office network of foreign economic representatives to enable South African businesses to access global markets.
  • Export Development and Support manages the National Exporter Development Programme, which is designed to contribute to positioning South Africa as a reliable trade partner and improve and expand the country’s exporter base.

Strategic focus for 2023/24

Exports provide a significant opportunity for SA to expand industrial output and provide bigger markets for local firms. It is an essential element of the country’s industrialisation agenda. The programme will focus on improving the total value of exports, the composition of exports (with greater SA valueaddition), the composition of exporters (by drawing in more black and women-led firms) and the spatial composition of exporting firms.

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