

Provide the Department with strategic leadership, management and support services.

Description of Sub-Programmes

  • The Ministry provides leadership and policy direction to the dtic;
  • The Office of the Director-General (ODG) provides overall management of the dtic’s resources;
  • Corporate Services provides customer-centric and integrated resource solutions in human resource management, information and communication technology, legal services and facilities management;
  • Office Accommodation is an allocation for accommodation services to the dtic regional offices and ensures continued maintenance service;
  • Financial Management provides support to the dtic, with respect to financial resource allocation and the management thereof, to aid the fulfilment of the department’s goals and objectives; and
  • Marketing, Communication and Media Relations facilitates greater awareness of the department’s role and increase the uptake of its products and services as well as ensuring that it is projected positively in the media through influencing the content of all media in favour of the department.

Strategic focus for 2023/24

The bedrock of well-functioning Programmes is a solid administration. This includes support in areas such as human resource development, effective ICT support, integrated finance systems and management coordination through the Office of the Director General.

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