Minister Davies to launch the revitalised R49 Million Ekandustria Industrial Park

The Minister of Trade and Industry, Dr Rob Davies will launch the completion of the first phase of the revitalisation of Ekandustria Industrial Park near Bronkhorstspruit tomorrow, 11 April 2019 from 09:00. The R49-milion project is part of the Revitalisation of Industrial Parks Programme of the Department of Trade and Industry (the dti). Minister Davies is expected to be joined by the leadership of Gauteng and Mpumalanga provincial governments.

According to Minister Davies, the main objective of the programme is to accelerate economic growth, attract business investment, promote transformation and encourage the establishment of black industrialists in the industrial parks. The programme is also aimed at supporting job creation in manufacturing and related sectors.

“The Industrial park is expected to boost the local economy and create jobs for members of the local communities. Significant milestones have been achieved through the implementation of the first phase of the industrial parks revitalisation programme across the country,” says Davies.

He adds that the dti has forged strategic partnerships for the implementation of the programme on a national scale working with provinces, their agencies as well as municipalities.

“In the case of Ekandustria, the dti is working closely with Mpumalanga Economic Growth Agency who are also the owners of the park. The City of Tshwane has also played a role in ensuring the smooth implementation of the programme,” says Davies.

The Ekandustria Industrial Park has a 56% occupancy rate comprising of a mixture of tenants who operate in a variety of business industries with a focus in manufacturing including construction material, food, recycling, clothing and textile.

The revitalisation of the Ekandustria is comprised of the upgrading of the security infrastructure including fencing, installation of boom gates, pedestrian gates, vehicular gates, installation of sisalation insulation, ventilators, constriction of guard houses as well as the refurbishment of the waste water treatment plant in the park.

Sidwell Medupe-Departmental Spokesperson
Tel: (012) 394 1650
Mobile: 079 492 1774
Issued by: The Department of Trade and Industry
Follow us on Twitter: @the_dti

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